Parents 1st Vault Score vs. 2nd Vault Score.

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I think it might be a gym thing. We have been to meets all over the country and always got all the scorecards at the old gym but at middle gym the gym kept them for a while and then gave them to the girls and at this gym we never see them at all.

I like seeing the actual score card because sometimes it has the different judges scores and at the high levels having the start Value is nice to see. I alsways seem to miss it when they flash it at the table and am at an angle that I can’t see it at all and then it is gone.
I swear Puma Jr’s first vault is always better, but that’s just my naked eye untrained opinion so I could be totally wrong. I’ve never seen two scores and we have only gotten scorecards on a handful of meets. Vault is her nemesis right now so I’ve been trying to read up on it (just so I can understand it better, I promise I wouldn’t dare give her tips lol) so maybe this year I’ll be able to see the deductions better.
In that case we’ve never, ever been given a real scorecard.

Wow! We get the real deal cards- first year she got them about a week or two after the meet (after head coach review them all), and last year they were given them all at the end of the season. They all have both vault scores from both judges. :)
Dd gets score cards but I’ve never seen different scores for each vault on the card. I only see one score from each judge and then the final score.
Ok. Maybe our gym is weird. We have scorecards pretty much from every meet she has ever done. I love looking at her awesome 7s from level!
not a judge, but I *heard* that one of the reasons they went with that one and done vault a few years ago in L8 was that the first one was usually the best? For my child I would say it is 50/50- sometimes the first is better, but it seems that often the second might be better - she might really go harder at the vault after putting the first one on her feet? I would be interested in statistics though!

I was told it was for safety reasons. On level 8, some were doing a lower SV value “safe vault” on their first pass and then trying to flip vaults before they were actually safely consistent for their second pass.

I did not get that from any official source so may be way off.
Complete generalization that of course is not always true, cumpolsuries usually first vault higher, optionals second vault. Optionals tend to be more mature and in control of their gymnastics, able to make corrections on second turn. Compulsories not quite as good at making quick corrections and more focused on first turn.
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Thanks for the info. I think my DD has gotten maybe a couple of score cards over the years. Not commonly given to the gymnasts in our experience. She still has them-there are only two- but they only list the final vault score also.
The first one is a real scorecard that the judge has written the scores on.
Not really the topic of this thread, but my dd always gets the scorecard at the end of the meet. They usually have them while they are sitting on the floor for awards. Has been this way from lv 3 onward.
We always get what I thought were the “real” scorecards. They are the cards that the coaches put in the order in which they want the girls to compete, then hand to the judges at the beginning of each rotation. At meets where the scores are flashed by hand, the card is handed to the person flashing the scores after the judges write the score. Only the final score for each event and AA is written on the card. They look like the top card in MILgymFAM’s photo. I am absolutely sure they are the real thing because you can often see the number on the back when the coaches are handing them to the judges.

When my kid started competing, I was surprised that she didn’t get score sheets with some sort of checkboxes or tally marks indicating deductions and maybe a quick comment from the judges on each event. I was used to seeing these in other types of competitions in which I’d participated as a kid and young adult.
We always get the actual score cards. There are always ribbons stapled to them (red/white/blue for 9.0 and above, blue for 8.0 and above, red for 7.0 and above, white for 6.0 and above and yellow for anything below a 5.9). I have all these dumb cards and have no place to put them. A little more on topic, the cards usually have both vault scores. Dd has never been a consistent vaulter so I don't think I could make any assumption based on scores regarding which tends to score higher.
To our vault judges here: Anecdotally, are the second scores consistently higher than first ones?
No. I've found the first to be better the majority of the time.

not a judge, but I *heard* that one of the reasons they went with that one and done vault a few years ago in L8 was that the first one was usually the best? For my child I would say it is 50/50- sometimes the first is better, but it seems that often the second might be better - she might really go harder at the vault after putting the first one on her feet? I would be interested in statistics though!
No, it was for safety as this is the first level for flipping vaults, and there is a lot of balking and landing badly. The thinking was that the gymnast would opt to do only 1 vault. They were allowed to know the score and then decide whether or not to go again. If they performed a 2nd vault, the 2nd vault was the score they received no matter what. Going a 2nd time voided the first score. Most level 8s did the 2nd vault anyway, so it didn't work the way the higher ups had hoped. That's why they went back to the regular 2 vaults competed, best score of the 2.
We never get score cards unless the meet has score cards. My dd only did one meet last year where she got a score card.

As a judge, I've only judged 1 meet in 5 years where we filled out score cards.
When my kid started competing, I was surprised that she didn’t get score sheets with some sort of checkboxes or tally marks indicating deductions and maybe a quick comment from the judges on each event. I was used to seeing these in other types of competitions in which I’d participated as a kid and young adult.
That would be so helpful, huh???

Do the coaches have access to the actual deduction record? As a coach, Id want that so I could tell if it was a individual issue or if I wasnt conveying an idea and it was a systemic issue.
Omg are you serious? Thats nuts.
I've had 3 daughters compete, and only a handful of meets over 12 years of competing ever gave score cards. It is not a common thing, and let me tell you, as a judge it is a real hassle (and I've only ever filled them out at 1 particular meet).
In my state we have score cards at every meet but state championships(where order of gymnasts competing is set randomly). The coaches hand us the score cards in the competition order they have set when they come to our event, we fill in the score for that event as they compete(in addition to punching in the score electronically) then hand them back to the coaches to bring to the next event. Coaches get them at end of meet. These cards vary in size from business cards to full page card stock, depending on meet host.
No. I've found the first to be better the majority of the time.

No, it was for safety as this is the first level for flipping vaults, and there is a lot of balking and landing badly. The thinking was that the gymnast would opt to do only 1 vault. They were allowed to know the score and then decide whether or not to go again. If they performed a 2nd vault, the 2nd vault was the score they received no matter what. Going a 2nd time voided the first score. Most level 8s did the 2nd vault anyway, so it didn't work the way the higher ups had hoped. That's why they went back to the regular 2 vaults competed, best score of the 2.

Thanks for explaining that! It was the year before DD did 8, so I had just "heard" about the change, but it never had an effect on her. The rationale makes sense for sure-too bad it didn't work as planned.
Complete generalization that of course is not always true, cumpolsuries usually first vault higher, optionals second vault. Optionals tend to be more mature and in control of their gymnastics, able to make corrections on second turn. Compulsories not quite as good at making quick corrections and more focused on first turn.

this is after i have totaled 1st/2nd scores from state, reg's and nat's. it's always the 1st vault if it is hit.

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