2010 Level 7 Requirments for Floor

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Feb 6, 2010
Reaction score
Hello. My daughter is a level 7. With her floor routine, she always gets a 8.8 or near that. What are the required elements of her floor routine and what are dance sequence skills that she could do. I am just learning about this and I think she is just missing something? Thanks. Lisa
I was a level 7 in 2009 and my first pass was a roundoff backhandspring backlay out. The second pass has choices. You could do a front handspring frount tuck or pike. If you do a front tuck you have to do a full and a half turn. If you do a front pike you do a full turn. Then the last pass is a roundoff backhandspring back tuck. For her leap pass she has tons of choices. But you have to have a switch leap in a serise. It has to be at least one combanation. Mine was a switch leap step wolf. But i wanted it to be a step double stag. But it does't matter what comes first. As long as there is a switch leap you are all good. Thats all the requirments. With these requirments i got a 9.6 as my highest score last season. THanks
well, my daughter's leap series is a double stag and and straddle leap(like the one in level 6) does that count?In her 1st pass she has a layout, then she does her leaps, after a 1 1/2 turn. After she goes into a pike front step out into a front handspring. Then she does another 1 1/2 turn on her hands, into the same thing except a jump. Then she just two jumps:a straddle and tuck. Then she goes into a front headspring (1st onto her feet, then onto her knees). Her very last pass is a back tuck.
What else does she need to add?
Do you have a video? There are lots of great, knowledgeable people around here that could both tell you if requirements are met, but also where her major deductions are coming from, if they could see the routine.

Good luck and welcome!
What a great idea! I will try to post the video sometime this afternoon. Her music is Sing, Sing, Sing. Thanks again.
Actually, I don't know how to upload a video. Can you tell me the procedure? HAving people view a video would be very helpful. Thanks for your interest. Lisa
Unfortunately, I know exactly nothing about uploading a video. I don't own a camera, let alone a video camera, lol. Maybe try asking around the parent area? They've got it together when it comes to the great videos :)
If you already have it on the computer, just go to youtube.com, create a new account and then click on upload video. If not it'S hard to explain without any more details - it really depends on your camera etc.

Just from what you said though, it seems like she's actually doing too much. I mean, headsprings sound very fun and creative, but they might incur extra deductions. But of course we'll have to see the video first.
well, my daughter's leap series is a double stag and and straddle leap(like the one in level 6) does that count?In her 1st pass she has a layout, then she does her leaps, after a 1 1/2 turn. After she goes into a pike front step out into a front handspring. Then she does another 1 1/2 turn on her hands, into the same thing except a jump. Then she just two jumps:a straddle and tuck. Then she goes into a front headspring (1st onto her feet, then onto her knees). Her very last pass is a back tuck.
What else does she need to add?

Okay, to make things easier, you need 5 A skills and 2 B skills on every event, including floor. But on floor, a back layout is REQUIRED, specifically at least one with no twist at all for level 7. Here is what your daughter has/needs:

~Double stag is allowed in level 7 and is a B skill
~A side straddle leap, apparently is a B skill also.

~A 1 1/2 turn is a B skill
~For the 1 1/2 turn on her hands, I'm not sure what that is

Back tumbling:
~The back layout meets the requirements for a layout in the routine
~A back tuck is allowed and is a good filler

Front tumbling:
~I've never seen this type of combination before! Most people do front handspring front tuck, pike, or layout. A tuck out of a front handspring is an A, while a pike and layout is a B skill. I would definitely try to do a combination like this for the routine

So in all, you have 3-4 B's, and at least 5 A's.
So she is set it seems.
But she might want to change her front tumbling pass, as I'm not sure that she gets credit for the skill.

My guess is that she's receiving some kind of deductions on the front pass. Front pike step out to front handspring is a hard connection. It would be pretty hard for a L7 not to get execution errors and amplitude mistakes (like lack of acceleration) on a pass like that.

But that's just speculation on my part. They may be using that pass until she gets another one. Also, the more that's in the routines, the more potential for deduction. I would never put a 1 1/2 handstand turn in a USAG routine. Large potential for various execution errors without much value. However it's probably not completely your daughter's decision to take any of this out. But if it is a situation where her coaches are waiting to change her routines (like front pass to front handspring front tuck) until she improves on it, if she wants potential to raise her floor score, she should work really hard on that more standard pass.
actually, today(i think) at her practice, she changed her front pass to a front pike step out round-off back handspring(back tuck), because her coaches said the front pike step out front handspring was too easy for her. but thank you for your ideas and opinions. she added a dance element to her routine, and just fixed it up. In her last meet she got a 9! she was so happy! :)
And she says that a everyone on her team has a 1 1/2 pirouette on their hands, and none of them really have trouble. But thank you for your help!

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