I have a boy but we have several levels that require explanation similar to level 3–>4 for girls. The big thing I think parents need to know is the progression beyond level 4. Does your gym do 4, 5, 6 or 4, 6 or 4, 5, 7 and what are the criteria for moving up? Families also need insight into the dynamics of The level 4 competition in your state. For instance, if you have a bunch of gyms that keep athletes in 4 until they are ready to score out to 7, then the kids who are on the 4, 5, 6, 7 plan will probably get demolished in level 4 and that will be normal and okay because the competition will be at a very different point in their gymnastics development. Or if your gym typically keeps your kids in level 4 for two years, explain that you expect the first year to be a growth year and the second year to be a performance year. Also let parents know that it is super important that they do not compare their child to other athletes. Every kid is different and they need to focus on their individual journey. Remind parents that medals are a poor way to judge performance and remind them not to pay their children for scores or placements!
Any communication is incredibly helpful!