Deleted member D3987
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- #41
I realise that this is not the place to come for "medical advice" but I have been having concerns about my youngest dd's behaviour. I am hoping that those with children who have ADHD can give me some advice, I am unsure wether to go the the doctor or wether it will be a waste of time.
As a baby my dd never settled at night, always was a crier (screamer) and never smiled at strangers, as she she got a little older she used to hate certain situations and whilst on holiday she used to scream so much in the restaurant I had to leave. Fast forward to now she has always been "naughty" at home, these are things I have noticed:
Cannot sit still very long unless in the right mood
Always butts into conversations (interrupts a lot)
Always shouts when she to talks (hearing is fine)
She rubs my arms and kisses my arms or head even when asked to stop
Never accepts responsibility for what she has done wrong, says it is not her fault.
Has periods when she gets over excited
Very flighty
Talks a lot, even to herself (cannot seem to keep quiet)
She is always moving around (could be the gymnast in her)
Has a quick temper and anything can set her off
She guesses some answers to questions (her words, she says she doesn't know and she guesses even though she gets it right)
I have always put these things down to being "a child" but as she is getting older it is not getting better, what annoys me is she is well behaved at school and is top of the class and is on the gifted and talented register for Reading Writing and Maths, she is also well behaved at gym except I have noticed that she looks like she is cream in some of the time and is not "with it", the coach has never mentioned that dd has any issues on gym. Because of her behaviour at school and gym I have always brushed dd's behaviour off as strong willed and naughty.
sounds like "a beautiful mind" to me. Genius can be a burden to some...yet a diamond in the rough to others.