I second or third or fourth the idea of looking for a Y program. Unfortunately they’re not everywhere.
I have two girls in a Y program, both are now at the top of the hours offered (12 a week) and I don’t pay that amount for the two of them combined in a year. (We’re in the rural Midwest and in a low cost area.)
If you have a Y around, it would offer you several things. First, a chance for your dd to decide if she likes competitive gymnastics at a lower cost. She’d have meets and a team leo and all the frills that go with that, but not the same kind of money or travel. Typically, our meets are within a 2.5 hour drive. We rarely even pay for a hotel during the season and when we do, it’s weather-based due to roads being bad after the meet and not wanting to drive country roads home. Second, there’s time for your dd to do other things. My girls are in multiple school sports, participate in musical groups in and out of school, active in school and community theater, and sing in the church choir. Maybe she finds that competitive gymnastics isn’t her thing or maybe she finds she loves gymnastics and has a passion for something else too and can do both or more. Third, if she finds she loves gymnastics in a few years and wants to make it her life, she will have been in a JO program and can go back to a higher hours gym. We’ve had several girls do up to level 5 with us and then decide to go to a higher hours club and did so successfully.
Just like all clubs aren’t equal in coaching, neither are Ys. You’d need to do the same kind of research as you would any gym change. The training hours vary from Y to Y as well.