No, it was a surprise. Birthday girl had been talking for weeks about party and how the whole team would be included. As I understand it, gym had a limit on number of guests that was a few shy of the entire team. So mom decided exclude the handful of girls that were a little older than her child. Just happened that DD was the only one of those girls there that day. Not that this was explained at any point, mind you. I actually called the mom because it seemed so crazy that DD had been excluded and this was the excuse/reason I was given. Didn't help. I wouldn't normally had called to ask at all, but it seemed entirely possible that she just had skipped over DD in the gaggle of girls surrounding her. Her child was turning 10, DD was 12. So old enough to understand that you don't always get invited, but also old enough for the exclusion to run right into pre-teen anxiety about everything in the world. Ugly, all the way around.