all i will say is this. the truth will eventually come out. USAG did nothing wrong and law enforcement supports how everything was ALL handled. so instead of throwing USAG under the bus...hold judgement until everything comes out.
as far as McCabe...he is a POS and always has been. anyone notice that he's on the banned list? in prison?? do you all think it was USAG or even membership that knew what he was doing??? NO! it took the FEDS to get him. just who do you all think USAG is?? do you think they are a law enforcement agency? just because he was heard saying completely inappropriate things does not mean, and at that time, that USAG could do a damn thing about it. in at least one gym...they fired his a** when it was learned what he said about another female athlete. yet, what would you have wanted any one of them to do? shoot him? cement boots and drop him in the Gulf?? well that probably would not have worked so well because a POS floats...
problem...McCabe is a POS. everyone knew it. he even had a restraining order against him. and WHAT is it exactly that everyone thinks USAG should have done about it in 1996? there was NOTHING in place in 1996 that USAG could have done with that. and why did he keep getting hired?? everyone knew he was a POS! why didn't all these whistle blowers notify law enforcement or the Feds??
does everyone understand that USAG is not a clearinghouse filter for POS's? the charter for USAG given to them by the USOC is to give the USOC readied athletes to represent America in Pan Am, World Championship and Olympic Game competitions. USAG has turned in to an organization that it was never intended to turn in to. and there is a process from the field to the office. it has evolved over 30 years. blame the is THEY who have/had handcuffed the NGB's...not just USAG.
and whether anyone likes it or not...due process is not a game. this is still America. you just can't arbitrarily start witch hunts and start suspending or banning everyone for being POS's or just plain creepy. and NOW the USOC acts. it's about time. it should have been done 4 years ago. supposed to begin 1/17...and they still don't have a board.
no other NGB has done what USAG has done over the course of 30 years to try to keep POS's away from our industry. POS's are everywhere. youth sports and other activities where children are located are under assault from these POS maggots. due process is still the rule of law in America. and please don't expect USAG or any other NGB to solve this problem.
finally, if you take USAG completely out of the equation what would still have taken place in regards to everyone on the banned list? that's right. they were all criminally, civilly or both prosecuted and justice was served either by sentencing or with $$$. ALL of what has already taken place prior to today would have taken place without the oversight of USAG. period.
but the last couple of years?? USAG has some tools to expedite the process. and they still must follow the laws. i don't think any of you would want them to do otherwise. this is America. we have a constitution and a bill of rights. we have a criminal and civil justice system that work perfectly most of the time.
and while you're pondering all this...ask yourselves this... why did these gyms keep hiring these POS's when everybody knew that they were? and this includes almost all on the banned list with the exception of a handful??
wouldn't it be wonderful if we all had a crystal ball, a seer, something to predict this problem. regretfully, all we have is gut instinct. and for those familiar with business law...try to fire someone in your state based on "gut instinct" and see what agencies show up at your door...