Parents Anyone have size Child Large Leos they dont need?

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It's basically a "resale" company. There is no charitable component.

Every awful story begins with "we were on beam and..."
This is NOT a resale shop. So sad that you still want to make it out to be something it's not. If you don't want to believe in it - don't. But PLEASE do NOT tarnish it's name -speaking of something you do not understand! This is exactly why they retained legal counsel! A short premise (from A FRIEND who thinks this is a great idea, as it helps in MORE THAN ONE WAY -- with gymnasts and with gym clubs!): "LEFT OVER LEOS" is a 501c3 NON PROFIT charitable organization. It collects donations of gently used leos. A certificate or letter will be provided for your tax deductible gift. NO ONE is collecting a salary or is making "money" off of any thing. Everyone has full time jobs at this time. The hope is that this Non Profit will grow to the point of being able to have some full time employees.. but this is way into the future. The premise behind the selling of leos will be able to give credits back to the gyms of those that are donating. If there is no money collected, then how would it be possible to give back to the gyms of those members that have donated? There has to be a time period where inventory is collected and sold. Many have contacted the non profit directly, as they heard about the charity and were in need of leos. Also, a web page is being developed, so that the leos will be there as well, so that more leos can be available to those who can't afford to purchase a brand new leo. Then, once this happens, Left Over Leos will be able to give BACK to the gymnastics community via credits based upon how many leos it's members have donated in the form of a gift certificate. Do you know any "resale" companies that do this? I think not. I AM NOT A MEMBER AFFILIATED THE NON-PROFIT, SO PLEASE PLEASE DIRECT FURTHER QUESTIONS/AND OR COMMENTS FOR or ABOUT LEFT OVER LEOS to: [email protected] AS CHALK BUCKET HAS BANNED THE FOUNDER OF THIS CHARITY AND SHE CAN NOT RESPOND TO THESE POSTS. SO I AM ALSO ASKING/PLEADING THAT CHALK BUCKET PUT A STOP TO THIS, BEFORE THIS GOES FURTHER. I HATE TO SEE THIS YOUNG WOMAN AND HER CHARITY DISPARAGED HERE. SHE CAN NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS OR NEGATIVITY ON THIS SITE - therefore - please put a stop to these posts!
I'm also curious about Bonsue's continued distinction between this "young girl" and "ADULTS." I would hope that the founder of this charity is a legal adult. I'm not sure she could found a charity otherwise as she would not be able to legally sign any documents until she was at least 18.

She may be a young adult, but if she has reached the age of majority and is founding this charity, she needs to quickly learn the intense legalities surrounding such an organization and her claims of being a 501c3. As I said before, I am going with the kind assumption that this "charity" is trying to do good things and comes from a place of trying to do what is best. On that assumption, I fear that this young adult has gotten in way over her head and has not been getting proper legal advice regarding her charity, which could come back to haunt her for many years to come.
I had wondered what had this post going so long!

As for google searches - they are somewhat personalized. googling Left Over Leos from the computer that you have been coming here from, and that you likely have been googling for information about Chalk Bucket... well, yes. This is likely going to be the first thing that comes up. For me personally (someone who at least stops by CB daily) this thread was the fourth thing that came up. And that is out of only 6 hits. So yeah, I don't see the google search issue.

And I agree with the others. If you are a charity you have to have everything laid out, easy to find, on what you are doing. People want to know where their donations are going. There are lists publicized regularly showing how much of what is donated actually goes to those in need. From the little I have looked into this, it is very hard to see where the donations are helping people. We have one responder here who said she got (some?) free leo(s). But that is it.

Personally, I just can't see mailing my leos in to a company that charges for them, especially one that charges that much. I will either sell them myself at consignment or I will give them to people. In general, I give them to people. Then I know that they are going somewhere that they are needed and used.
Oh, and one more thing (going along with kayjaybe's response)... a college graduate, 20 something year old is an ADULT. Not a "girl". Shaming "adults" for bullying a "girl" is absurd. (it isn't bullying, it is trying to figure stuff out, and she isn't a "girl". She is an adult.)

This is the Dunn and Bradstreet link if you can access it.

Every awful story begins with "we were on beam and..."
I know this may not be a popular opinion, but it's been aggravating me more and more as this drags on.

This was all started by someone asking for hand me down leotards for her child, who per her posts on this forum, has taken privates.

Private lessons generally seem to be in the $40-75 range depending on the coach, gym and level. If you couldn't afford a couple leotards for your 6 year old, what in the heck are you doing buying privates. I hate to sound mean, but that's some seriously misguided budgeting.

Furthermore, and I really hate to sound like a witch but the rapey comments made me really cranky so here goes. Shouldn't a charity actually evaluate the level of need before donating stuff? I would like to think these leotards were going to children who wouldn't even have a leotard otherwise, not a child who's parents are buying privates, but aren't willing to buy leotards.

And again yes I know GKs pretty leotards are expensive and don't even get me started on Dreamlight (seriously who wants a $65 practice leotard that isn't even commemorative?), but Destira offers $17 grab bag leotards that are NEW and through many dance websites, you can get leotards for the same price.

Again I apologize for this horridly pessimistic opinion, but I don't want to put it on Facebook because it isn't the child's fault, so you all get to read it here.
I think where the trouble lies here is that it wasn't made clear to the founders that a 501c3 is a KIND of non-profit, but not all non-profits are 501c3.

You can be a non-profit if you meet certain guidelines & requirements and not have to pay taxes on the corporate income. But to rise to the level of a 501c3, where other people's donations are a charitable contribution and can be written off on THEIR taxes is a much higher burden to meet and comes with many more restrictions.

Bonsue - you are apparently close to this woman/family. Please implore them to seek legal guidance on this matter. I fear they have been holding themselves out as something they are not, which may have been completely unintentional, but may have very large & real consequences. The FB page CLEARLY states that the organization is 501c3 and there has been absolutely no evidence thus far to support this is true.
To again agree with kayjaybe... spot on. I used to be on the board for a not for profit. We were a STATE registered not for profit; but we were NOT a 501c3. So, we did not have to pay taxes on the dues that people paid to be members; but if a company or individual donated items to us, they could not write it off on THEIR taxes. Also, we had to be at a pretty close to zero balance from one year to the next. We could not build up a big cushion and carry it over each year (a small one was fine; but not a big one).
My daughter finally asked the question that's been burning in her mind since reading some of the posts here. She wanted to know why people want other peoples leos because you don't know if they wore briefs or not. I could've said "washing machines, they work!" but instead I went with this: "It's an ancient defense mechanism of the truly awesome. In some cultures people eat those with skills and abilities they wish to possess. Gymnasts, especially high level ones, avoid this by giving away their leos to transfer those abilities. It's a life saver." She laughed at me like she knows it's not true and I said "Why do you think not all of them make it to the Olympics? The ones that do...well...lets just call it Highlander. With grips and leos."
I think I was initially confused about where the charity part of this organization comes in - mostly because the description of the organization is very unclear on the facebook page. Now that I have a better understanding of what she is trying to say, I think the Charity is not entirely about passing these donated leos on to needy gymnasts (although she will send them out for free or reduced price according to the responses on the facebook post). I think part of the charity is also about raising funds (by selling the leos) to give back to the individual donating gyms in the form of equipment or scholarships. It still sounds a little weird, but that is the basic intent that I am getting from her posts.

Or, maybe I am totally off base and am still hopelessly confused.
It seems pretty clear that they are intentionally claiming a 501c3 status that they do not hold. My guess is that she set it up with the intention of doing good and is only just now realizing she needs expert help in navigating the legal waters of charitable organizations. And if you're right KandK, I suspect that the "charity" going to for-profit gyms in the form of credit for equipment or scholarships is not going to work well if the long-term plan is to secure 5013c status. Sad, really, though at this point I feel worse for the people who donated believing that their donations were tax deductible.

And for the record, I am not a Christian person, though I am also disgusted by the rape comments.
I'm still confused a little too. If the purpose is to give back to the clubs who give/donate, why wouldn't their original donations just go to the gymnasts needing them in their gym? I'm actually curious about this.
I'm still confused a little too. If the purpose is to give back to the clubs who give/donate, why wouldn't their original donations just go to the gymnasts needing them in their gym? I'm actually curious about this.

Good point. Why have people at your gym donate leos to this company, which then turns around and sells other leos back to the gym (or gives them some credits toward them)? Wouldn't it be more efficient for the people at your own gym just give their leos directly to their own gym?

It is also unclear because, if I remember correctly, it was stated that they haven't started distributing the leos yet because they are building inventory.....except they have started through Northrup gym.....and they evidently sold some leos and donated that money to the Cancer Resource Center of Finger Lakes....which doesn't seem to match their mission, but at least appears to be a good cause.
It's just bizarre. And you would have to donate many, many Leo's to earn enough credits to get anything back.

Every awful story begins with "we were on beam and..."
I appear to have been banned from their FB page. I only asked 1 simple question there, but I'm guessing they connected to my questions here.

I've actually been pretty nice - assuming that any possible inconsistencies are happening out of not knowing rather than an intent to defraud.

I wish them good luck with their IRS audit, as they won't be able to so easily avoid that by simply banning the IRS from their page.
I'm banned too. So much for transparency.

Every awful story begins with "we were on beam and..."
Good point. Why have people at your gym donate leos to this company, which then turns around and sells other leos back to the gym (or gives them some credits toward them)? Wouldn't it be more efficient for the people at your own gym just give their leos directly to their own gym?


When we were first approached about donating a couple of years ago, it was just put out there as a group collecting "left over leos" for others less fortunate than ourselves....lots of girls in our gym brought in leos and we all sent them off. I didn't really think of where they'd be going or how it would bad...and I didn't use it as a write off because again ,wasn't thinking of that either...and as for kids in our own gym that needed them, that didn't really come up but people tended to pass leos on to other families they were friendly with, and the surplus after that, was sent to LOL.

Deep down, I really do think the founder of LOL has/had good intentions but I don't think she has gotten the best ( if any) legal advice along the way...

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