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- #161
This is NOT a resale shop. So sad that you still want to make it out to be something it's not. If you don't want to believe in it - don't. But PLEASE do NOT tarnish it's name -speaking of something you do not understand! This is exactly why they retained legal counsel! A short premise (from A FRIEND who thinks this is a great idea, as it helps in MORE THAN ONE WAY -- with gymnasts and with gym clubs!): "LEFT OVER LEOS" is a 501c3 NON PROFIT charitable organization. It collects donations of gently used leos. A certificate or letter will be provided for your tax deductible gift. NO ONE is collecting a salary or is making "money" off of any thing. Everyone has full time jobs at this time. The hope is that this Non Profit will grow to the point of being able to have some full time employees.. but this is way into the future. The premise behind the selling of leos will be able to give credits back to the gyms of those that are donating. If there is no money collected, then how would it be possible to give back to the gyms of those members that have donated? There has to be a time period where inventory is collected and sold. Many have contacted the non profit directly, as they heard about the charity and were in need of leos. Also, a web page is being developed, so that the leos will be there as well, so that more leos can be available to those who can't afford to purchase a brand new leo. Then, once this happens, Left Over Leos will be able to give BACK to the gymnastics community via credits based upon how many leos it's members have donated in the form of a gift certificate. Do you know any "resale" companies that do this? I think not. I AM NOT A MEMBER AFFILIATED THE NON-PROFIT, SO PLEASE PLEASE DIRECT FURTHER QUESTIONS/AND OR COMMENTS FOR or ABOUT LEFT OVER LEOS to: [email protected] AS CHALK BUCKET HAS BANNED THE FOUNDER OF THIS CHARITY AND SHE CAN NOT RESPOND TO THESE POSTS. SO I AM ALSO ASKING/PLEADING THAT CHALK BUCKET PUT A STOP TO THIS, BEFORE THIS GOES FURTHER. I HATE TO SEE THIS YOUNG WOMAN AND HER CHARITY DISPARAGED HERE. SHE CAN NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS OR NEGATIVITY ON THIS SITE - therefore - please put a stop to these posts!It's basically a "resale" company. There is no charitable component.
Every awful story begins with "we were on beam and..."