Parents Anyone have size Child Large Leos they dont need?

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what do you do with the expensive competition leos and warmups?

I keep them. Leos go into a shadow box. Warm Ups....well, she hasn't grown out of a warm up yet so I still have her original one. But I'll probably keep it too.
If anyone has contacts with USAG, they should let USAG know about this scam so no other Olympians/Champions, etc. donate to this "charity".
Over here, if you are a charity you have a registered charity number which MUST be quoted on all official letter heads etc. I am assuming you operate a similar system.

Any charity can then be checked - this is where we check ours Find charities - Charity Commission - one near me The Eden Project (Eden Trust) can be easily checked and their accounts are there for everyone see.
Boy I am really feeling like we got scammed....and we were prompted by a "famous gymnast" to donate because she had been contacted by this "charity"....wonder where her leos went?
Boy I am really feeling like we got scammed....and we were prompted by a "famous gymnast" to donate because she had been contacted by this "charity"....wonder where her leos went?
Left over Leos say they have all the donated leos labelled and stored, maybe you could ask them to mail them back? THen you could give them to someone who really needs them, without a middle man selling them.

If anyone has contacts with USAG, they should let USAG know about this scam so no other Olympians/Champions, etc. donate to this "charity".
JUST SO EVERYONE IS AWARE - I am a family friend and I can't hold my tongue any further, and pray by saying what I say here, will not cause further harm to the family or the charity, but as I said, I can't hold my tongue a moment longer. Just as a little "FYI" I happen to know that both this young woman's parents AND the Board of Directors (as is required by law to have a non-profit) has retained attorneys YESTERDAY. LEFT OVER LEOS is an honest, upstanding non -profit organization. It is registered through the State of Texas. It has retained it's name, and it HAS it's EIN number - AS IS THE LAW! There are obviously many of you that are experts on nothing. The family and the Board of Directors took actions yesterday and are in preparations to take actions against each one of you (ADMINISTRATOR WHO ADDED TO THIS - "BOG-WADSOMETHING OR OTHER" and Chalk Bucket the company -for NOT silencing your words. This young girl was banned so you could talk behind her back and TRASH HER CHARACTER, HER HONESTY. Who do you think you people are? You have damaged this young lady's character and integrity and her ability in building her resume for her future. You did that! Every single one of you who has spoken out either "jokingly" or "otherwise." None of this is a "joke." She has continually been assaulted by each of you! She has been virtually raped by each one of you that has spoken against her and the charity. Sadly,she has had no way to defend herself, as your "Administrator" banned her, so that you could all talk behind her back. Attorneys will speak for her in the future. I hope this is the result you all wanted! Let me tell you this - this young lady has more character and integrity in her little finger than every single one of you combined. Are any of you Christian people? What do you think of yourselves? All of you adults -- I'd be rethinking whether or not you are positive role models to others - or have you proven yourselves here to be trashy gossipers! You each need to rethink what you are when you sit here and do this type of thing! I'm absolutely sickened and appalled at what you all have been saying. I will probably be in trouble with my friend because I could not hold my tongue any longer. But ALL OF YOU -- WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE CONTRARY TO THE TRUTH, made "assumptions" and much much much more against this young lady and Left Over Leos. Do you not have ANYTHING BETTER to do with your lives than to sit and attack both a young woman and this newly formed non-profit organization? SHAME ON YOU ALL! The ONLY thing this young woman EVER tried to do here was HELP someone! The only thing she wants to do with her LIFE is HELP OTHERS! If ANY single person here had any knowledge as to how a non-profit gets set up, you'd know better than this. It's not like a little booster club. I've personally set up three of those myself. That's easy. This is much different. This - takes a lot of work and a lot of money! There are start-up costs, INCLUDING THE HIRING AND RETENTION of ATTORNEYS that SPECIALIZE in setting up NON PROFITS - ACCORDING TO THE LETTER OF THE LAW. Do you honestly think this young woman, who had a dream of helping others - would actually be stupid enough to try to set it by herself. Maybe that's how you all would try to set up a non-profit because you think you're smarter than attorneys that do this sort of thing - but I don't think any of you are smarter than this young woman! Maybe you wouldn't care enough about your non profit - of whether or not is successful or not - but this young woman is a college graduate, and is quite intelligent. She has surrounded herself with advisors such as College Professors, Succcessful Business men and women, and attorneys that know about non-profits. WHO HAVE ANY OF YOU TRULY HELPED UNSELFISHLY? (Other than at the start of this, telling a Mom that she should not let her child try to reach her dream of being a gymnast through competitive gymnastics if she had to ask for help with a leo? REALLY? I'm so glad all of you are must be rich... because I hope her family goes after each one of your for the damages you've caused this young woman. I hope the Board of Directors goes after each of you for damaging their non profit's name. Maybe then, each of you can add to seeting this young woman up for life, so she can run her non profit - your penatly for raping her integrity and her character. As you "JOKE" about so much - just to name 2 -- wine, and storage in a dresser drawer and so many other negative and nasty things, to the point of the above statement - do you even realize the harm you've caused? Let me set you all straight. It costs MONEY to set up a non profit. Legal fees, marketing, and let me say this - Someone's comment on storage shows their naivety (Did any of you know that you can't just store them long-term stuffed in the back of a dresser drawer if you want to retain their elasticity?) Did you know much different it is, when it's multiple (possible thousands) of leos vs. the 2/3 you have in your kids dresser?) Did you know there are rules on how they must be laundered? Do you even know that as you joke about buying leos that were worn by Olympians is just ridiculous?! Did you know there are rules and regulations that have to be followed both by non profit, clothing, collegiate, USAG, and others that have to be followed? Do you realize what marketing costs - especially start up marketing? Do you realize how much work has gone into this? OBVIOUSLY NOT! You all have caused sooo much harm to this young lady, as well as to her non profit -- and each and every one of you are culpable! This is why they have been forced to retain attorneys for this young woman and the charity. So go ahead and have your "misguided and shameful fun", while the attorneys do their backwork, retaining your legal names, addresses, and more than any of you can imagine! Chalk Bucket has allowed it's members - it's PAYING members trashing another person's character and another business within the gymnastics community. I hope they take this to trial. I do know that everything has been captured, and will continue to be captured. I am one of about 20 that are capturing every single comment. Again, SHAME ON ALL OF YOU! How DARE you GROWN ADULTS DO THIS! DO YOU NOT KNOW THE HARM YOU HAVE CAUSED? Again, ONE MORE TIME - YES this charity has it's name through the correct databases. YES, this charity is registered through the State ofTexas, and YES, this non profit has it's EIN through the IRS. How sad is it that NONE of you gave this young woman a chance. I told you she was out of town yesterday, and ALL of you took that as a FREE pass to continue to disparage both this moral, honest, decent young lady. Again - SHAME ON YOU. Administrators and Moderators -- SHAME ON YOU for NOT putting a stop to this. If I were this young woman, her parents, and on the Board of Directors, I'd be taking every single one of you to court... But I can't say what they have planned to do with all of you. I just know that attorneys have been retained. There is one more negative thing said about this upstanding, moral, honest young lady or her charity. All of this because you all want to sit and gossip and cause trouble. SHAME SHAME SHAME on you all. And I will say this to the Administrator that has contributed to all of this: If I am BANNED for speaking the truth, know that I will retain an attorney and file suit for discrimination. But, if I should be banned, there are many, many more recording your every word. SHAME ON YOU!!!
I stopped reading somewhere in that wall of text. I thought she/you were ignorant about how a charity should be run, but your ignorance about the legal system and how it works completely trumps that.

LMAO - Whew that was the most comical temper tantrum disguised as a threat ever. Thanks for the shaming.

I personally look forward to hearing from her attorney. Then again the lawsuits are probably in infancy too, like the charity. I guess they'll contact me in 5 years?
You will not be banned. LOL was banned for spamming the Chalkbucket repeatedly with requests for leos. That is all. She was not banned to silence her. We onky ban for breaking the rules, you have not, she did.
bonsue - I can't read this... You should really break up this mammoth post into paragraphs, this is just blinding to my eyes - sorry.
bonsue - I can't read this... You should really break up this mammoth post into paragraphs, this is just blinding to my eyes - sorry.
She probably uses Internet Explorer like me, paragraphs are not possible. I was going to add paragraphs for her, but I do not want to be seen editing her posts, so I am leaving it the way it is. Hard to read for sure, but the CB does not muzzle or delete posts the way LOL's do from their FB page when they do not like what they write.
That was really humorous. Too bad I have to work this afternoon. Please let the entertainment continue and I'll catch up when I get home.

Bonsue - if they really are a legal 501c3 charity, what is their EIN number? This should be public record, so it isn't giving out any privileged information. Shut down this conversation by supplying that and I bet most people will just go away.

What I saw on here was a lot of people asking questions about the validity of the charity. That is perfectly reasonable and legal to do. If the charity is truly legitimate and has 501c3 status, then answering those questions would put pretty much any discussion to rest.

Good luck wasting your money on attorneys trying to file a frivilous and unsubstantiated lawsuit against anyone on here or the Chalkbucket group. I've got my army of lawyers just waiting in response.

ETA: ...never mind...
Just an honest question, no snark, no "misguided" attacking, but BonSue...if you would sue all of us for questioning a charity that seems to not have much if any transparency, should we then sue you for defamation of character for all the really lovely things you assume and say about all of us? I mean really, you've insulted our intelligence, attacked our character and integrity, and said a lot more hateful things than anyone here has said, yet no one is threatening you.

While I understand that seeing a friend stressed sucks, business (and a charity is still a business) is not personal. People here asked legitimate questions, that the answers should not have been a big deal to answer. People considering donating to any charity these days are asking more questions than maybe they used to, people want to know that what they're donating to is for a good cause, and for good reason! There have been so many charities in the past year alone that have been outed for fraud/scams/lack of business sense. If LOL wants to be a legitimate charity, then they need to step up and be one. That includes answering people's questions, and being able to show donors and potential donors, exactly what it is they're helping with. It seems to me if people were being shown the good that LOL is doing, there would be no issue. The people here are concerned because there is no question that leos are being donated, but then once that's done, what? Being told that only once the charity hits 5 years can they actually do good things with their donated items doesn't make good business/charity sense, and so it's questioned.

Hopefully what comes out of this is a better, stronger charity. One that has a little transparency to potential donors.
Wow, you're familiar with the law and couldn't find the EIN number? Let me provide it for you, as it IS a matter of PUBLIC record: LEFT OVER LEOS - EIN Number 45-933320
Maybe the attorneys can answer some of the questions asked on the Facebook page,

Every awful story begins with "we were on beam and..."
There are 9 numbers in an EIN number. That only has 8. You must have a typo. Can you please retype? Thanks!
Wow, you're familiar with the law and couldn't find the EIN number? Let me provide it for you, as it IS a matter of PUBLIC record: LEFT OVER LEOS - EIN Number 45-933320
Thanks, now maybe you can answer the other questions people have. I think that the lack of transparency, and the constant deletion of posts, is what makes people question things. If you put out the whole system in public I think people will be open, and eager, to be educated.
Wow, you're familiar with the law and couldn't find the EIN number? Let me provide it for you, as it IS a matter of PUBLIC record: LEFT OVER LEOS - EIN Number 45-933320

I just used this number to search on the IRS database of charitable organizations and it says that EIN numbers must have 9 digits. Did you forget a number? (searching Left Over Leos comes back with no matching organizations)
And assuming that at least the first 2 numbers are correct, there is no Left Over Leos listed as having charitable status in all of Texas. This is a copy and past of the ones starting with 45 from the IRS website. Are you sure you have 501c3 status? You can have an EIN and not have that status.

45-1274510 Christ-Centered Abortion Recovery of East Texas Tyler TX United States PC
45-2401548 Attack Poverty Richmond TX United States PC
45-2500974 Hood Co Animal Lovers Organization Granbury TX United States PC
45-2851927 Uniting Government & Faith Inc. Rhome TX United States PC
45-3035446 Cleft Kids Inc. Coppell TX United States PC
45-3054013 Families for Autism and Immune Recovery- fair Pflugerville TX United States PC
45-3060615 Dallas Sci Recovery Addison TX United States PC
45-3366404 Supreme Makeover Austin TX United States PC
45-3544758 Halo Helping Armed Forces to Live and Overcome Houston TX United States PC
45-3957269 Troupe Over the Hill Hilltop Lakes TX United States PC
45-3957361 Project Poverty Lubbock TX United States PC
45-4060529 Road to Recovery Alumni Association Incorporated Houston TX United States PC
45-4237160 Proverbs 19 17 Ministries Lindale TX United States PC
45-4358162 Spicewood Texas Long-Term Recovery Committee Spicewood TX United States PC
45-4399577 Woods Road Club Steps to Recovery Brookshire TX United States PC
45-4463754 Bastrop County Long Term Recovery Team Bastrop TX United States PC
45-4495083 Over the Road Ministries Keller TX United States PC
45-4514073 Center for Wellness and Recovery Resources Houston TX United States PC
45-4602349 Recovery is Possible Missouri City TX United States PC
45-4719295 Ptsd Recovery Centers of America Harker Hts TX United States PC
45-5522794 Alpha Search and Recovery Houston TX United States PC
45-5581011 Covering Eagle Ministries Inc. Cedar Hill TX United States PC
47-0921448 Early Overstreet Cancer Research Foundation Houston TX United States PC
51-0646729 Tunora Recovery House Smithville TX United States PC
And why is it ridiculous to want to buy Leo's worn by famous gymnasts? Granted, I said it on jest but if everything is tracked, why not?

Every awful story begins with "we were on beam and..."

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