Thanks girls....I might let Santa deliver a folding one.....the one she really wants doesn't fold at all so I can see we'd have a storage problem. I think she would use it - she's forever on her crash mat practising handstands, bridges etc. Initially she used to only practice at the gym but since she's started taking it seriously she doesn't stop practising....sometimes even after doing 3 hours in the gym. The gym sometimes encourage them to practise safe things at home - bridges, splits, cartwheels etc. she'll say "my coach says I need to practice X".
I was given the crash mat by someone I was being thrown out by a gym who was replacing their matting. Although its huge and thus a pain in the *** to store....I'd much prefer her to fall on that than the floor! Despite asking her to keep safe, as soon as i turn my back she's at it....I cant even go to the loo for fear she'll break her neck. I caught her doing a back hip circle on the A frame of our swing the other day. She came out of gym yesterday having shown her coach what she'd taught herself and said the coach was shocked (in a good way) that she'd been able to do it. Not complaining too much though...someone who'd done gym at a very high level once told me that the difference between the kids who make it to the top and those who don't is that they eat, slept and live gym can't stop them practising all the time. I think she was basically saying the drive to do gym is their own, not their mums!