Are you too competitive with gymmates?

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Anyways are you ever over competitive with your gymnastics friends? Like if they can do a perfect handstand on the beam and you can only do a toekiss. I am and i get really upset and off track because I focus all my energy on the girl that can do it =/
It's so annoying and i know i need to learn to self-compete but I don't know how to very well.

Do any of you accidentally compete with your gymmates?
and if not, what do you do to combat that feeling?
i guess i kind of compete against my sister because she is the same level but 2 years younger, so i always feel like i have to do better than her. but i dont normally compete against other teammates. i guess i just know that everyone has good and bad days, and i think that the scores i am getting are fine for me. my goal is to just have fun.
Yeah I'm pretty competetive. I'm always happy for my friends when they learn new skills, but at the same time, I secretly hate them just a lttle :p. Its kind of bad because I always end up feeling guilty for being jealous. But at the same timeI think being a little competetive makes you more motivated to learn new things!
YES. I hide it pretty well though. I'm okay in meets (probably because I usually come out on top), but when it comes to getting new skills, I feel really terrible if I'm not the first or second to get them. It helps me not stay complacent and push myself, even though it can cause tears.

Like the other day, this girl who hasn't every competed before, and just joined the team in January, got skipped up a level by the head coach. And I was so pissed. I kept thinking, "She's 8 years old! She has 10 years to move up a level. And I only have 4!"
Yeah I'm pretty competetive. I'm always happy for my friends when they learn new skills, but at the same time, I secretly hate them just a lttle :p. Its kind of bad because I always end up feeling guilty for being jealous. But at the same timeI think being a little competetive makes you more motivated to learn new things!

That's excactly how i am! I am pretty competetive, and when someone else gets a skill that i don't have yet, i am happy for them on the outside, but in my head i wish that i was getting the new skill. And all the other kids in my level have almost no fears, so they usually get skills before me. But they are all really supportive of me (usually!) and so i still love them! The do motivate me to get new skills when they get one.

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