At home conditioning during gym closure

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Leg day. Enjoy!!! do it with your kids if you can. Disclaimer, proceed at your own risk, find a safe place to do this and don't injure yourself. I am not responsible for any injuries . I am also not responsible for any fat loss that you may suffer from doing this too. :)

Wake up, go for a walk or hike at least 1 mile.

40 second H stand hold, no walking, give them 2 tries. If failed, then find a wall, 3 sets of Handstands for 40 seconds. Head in, tight body.

Happy Abs (you should already have that, sent yesterday)

Cardio 20 minutes. (running, bike, stair stepper, burpies whatever is available)

Warmed up now. 

1. Candle stick jumps 1 set of 25 (no pausing between stand up and jump)
2. Mountain climbers 1 set for 45 seconds. Up onto elevated surface switch legs in the
Air at the top of each step up point toes off ground.
3. Lunge walks with 2 ten pound weights , usually do the length of the floor at the gym or
Vault runway. Can use grass. Walk there and back.

4. Lunge walks with 2 twelve pound weights. Same thing
5. Mountain climbers 1 set for 40 seconds. Up onto elevated surface switch legs in the
Air at the top of each step up
6. Calve raises, 15 - 20 on each leg, 2 sets of each.
7. Calve raises both legs same time to high toe hold one second.
8. Mountain climbers 1 set for 30 seconds. Up onto elevated surface switch legs in the
Air at the top of each step up.
9. Frog jumps. 25, in a row, make sure knees are bending not slouching in
Shoulders. 
Cardio 20 minutes. (running, bike, stair stepper, burpies whatever is available

That’s it for leg day. Good job. Anything else you want to add, go for it.
Our gym is doing online gymnastics for rec to team, it is an amazing addition! Some of the team girls were videoing the condition today at the gym before it closed. For my son, we went in and go some options for practice until we are back at the gym. We have a mushroom, Parellettes, rings, and "high bar" at home.
From our Team coordinator/beam coach . Stretching!!!
Please take this time off to set stretching goals and work on flexibility. Its one of the best things you can do at home!

In the morning do a light stretch. If the girls are stretching more they will be sore just from that, it is to be expected.

Before Perry’s workouts please do the entire stretching warm up without the cardio potion (we will send that out asap for anyone who doesn’t know it). Each pose should be held for 30s- 2 minutes. You may skip the splitting portion.

After, please find something to elevate your front and/ or back leg.
5 minute splits: Right and Left
1 min: rock back and for to adjust
1 min: hold split
1min: hands up!
30 sec: reach forward
30 sec: reach back and stretch your scale (hands on the ground and reach back to your back foot)
1 min: hands to square your hips or ring (30 sec)
After this please take a 2-5 minute break stretching out your hips and back

Sit in a straddle reach to the left and right for 30 seconds each
1 min: pancake
Then get into your best middle split
1min: on elbows
2 min: arms forward and chest off the floor
30 sec: rock back and forth
30 sit up, hold yourself up and press your hips forward while keeping your hips rolled out

Start standing and letting your body hang 30 seconds
Press right leg tight and straight and let the other bend a little 1 min
Press Left leg tight and straight and let the other bend a little 1 min
Press both legs tight and hold 1 min

Sit on the ground:
Pike, flex your feet and reach past for 1 min
Small straddle, rechristen through 2 min
Pike pointed toes, reach as far as you can with a straight back 30 sec
Pike pointed toes reach your hands as far as you can 30 sec

If you do this it will take time and you will be sore after. A warm bath would be nice! Tomorrow I will add some active flexibility to this! Enjoy!

20 min Cardio, Bike, burpees or run

Handstand hold 40 seconds, no walking. Give them 2 tries. Then for today, 2 40 second handstands against the wall.

Vanessa’s pre stretch

Arms day.

What you need,
Stop watch (phone)
10 and 12 pound weight
Chin up bar (play ground, whatever you have, if you don’t have anything then you need to go to the store and get something. Sporting good stores have lots of pullup bars etc… )

Test for 20 seconds first round wait one minute then 15 second test same exercise. , only count perfect forum, there is no pass or fail. You as a parent keep track of what counts and what doesn’t. Then test again next week. Testing may seem like an easy workout, but we have found the kids put everything into it and get more out of it than just high numbers.
Please put something soft under your kids incase the pullup bar fails…. Couch cushions , whatever you have.

1. L seat leg lifts, straight legs.
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down.

2. L seat pull ups, straight legs in an L or close.
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down.

3. Push ups, feet elevated and hands elevated. Can use 2 books, or pushup bars etc.. to elevate hands.
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down.

4. Dips, if you can, (you can use a 90 degree angle counter top if you don’t mind them on it).
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down

5. Windshield wipers , (hang in a v seat straight legs, rock legs side to side like a windshield wiper. Big motion, count only one side.
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down

Testing done,

Following exercises use weights, if you don’t believe in weights then don’t do it. Also, if you child is young then you may want to start out with 8 pound weights. ALSO, PUT SHOES ON, kids have a habit of dropping weights and it a toe saver with shoes on.

6. Grab a 10 pound weight, lean against a poll , door or wall that you DON”T CARE ABOUT. Two hand on one weight, straight arms, lift from thigh to over head for 30 seconds
Repeat twice then move to 12 pound weight.

7. Repeat with 12 pound weight.

Finish with Presses if you can.

And finally Happy Abs workout, (already posted this).

Hope you enjoyed testing day.
@coachp - thanks for posting the workouts! My DD says they are more thorough than what she's getting from her gym.
Thursday, all in day

Okay, so Cardio. 20 min of something.

Vanessas warmup,

40 second handstand hold, no walking. 2 tries, if failed then 3 sets of 40 second H stands against a wall or whatever.

Today, is no timing on the first set then second set is 12 seconds with stopwatch.
Todays first sets are Do as many as you can perfect until you cannot do anymore.

2 Sets of each ( don’t count them unless they are good).

Pull ups from an L seat, write it down, then 12 second burst

Dips, full range of motion, shoulders should dip further than the elbows. Then 12 second burst .

L seat leg lefts, straight legs, then 12 second burst

Mountain climbers as many as you can, yep…
Then 20 second burst.

Candle stick jumps, as many as you can in 45 seconds,
Then 20 second burst.

Military Push ups , Hands on ground Feet up on something as high or higher than the waist of the child, in a pike position , butt directly over the head (so like a handstand except body is piked and feet are on something elevated , needs to be as high as the waist). Now lift one leg straight up over the head, so it looks like a handstand except for the support leg.
Because we will be switching legs , this one will be a numbered set.
20 with the right leg up, then 20 with the left leg up. Followed by a 12 second set with the right and 12 with the left.

Weights against the wall, or anything that you don’t mind scuffing up.
Put shoes on… Don’t drop the weights…
Back against the wall, seated position knees slightly bent.
2 sets of 30 seconds each

8 or 10 (most kids use 10) pound weight, arms straight, two hands on one weight. 2 sets

Then up the weight to 12 or 10 if your child is small. Two hands on one weight, 2 sets.

Finish with HAPPY ABS and Vanessa finish stretch .
20 min Cardio, Bike, burpees or run

Handstand hold 40 seconds, no walking. Give them 2 tries. Then for today, 2 40 second handstands against the wall.

Vanessa’s pre stretch

Arms day.

What you need,
Stop watch (phone)
10 and 12 pound weight
Chin up bar (play ground, whatever you have, if you don’t have anything then you need to go to the store and get something. Sporting good stores have lots of pullup bars etc… )

Test for 20 seconds first round wait one minute then 15 second test same exercise. , only count perfect forum, there is no pass or fail. You as a parent keep track of what counts and what doesn’t. Then test again next week. Testing may seem like an easy workout, but we have found the kids put everything into it and get more out of it than just high numbers.
Please put something soft under your kids incase the pullup bar fails…. Couch cushions , whatever you have.

1. L seat leg lifts, straight legs.
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down.

2. L seat pull ups, straight legs in an L or close.
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down.

3. Push ups, feet elevated and hands elevated. Can use 2 books, or pushup bars etc.. to elevate hands.
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down.

4. Dips, if you can, (you can use a 90 degree angle counter top if you don’t mind them on it).
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down

5. Windshield wipers , (hang in a v seat straight legs, rock legs side to side like a windshield wiper. Big motion, count only one side.
How many in 20 seconds, wait 2 min 15 seconds, write both numbers down

Testing done,

Following exercises use weights, if you don’t believe in weights then don’t do it. Also, if you child is young then you may want to start out with 8 pound weights. ALSO, PUT SHOES ON, kids have a habit of dropping weights and it a toe saver with shoes on.

6. Grab a 10 pound weight, lean against a poll , door or wall that you DON”T CARE ABOUT. Two hand on one weight, straight arms, lift from thigh to over head for 30 seconds
Repeat twice then move to 12 pound weight.

7. Repeat with 12 pound weight.

Finish with Presses if you can.

And finally Happy Abs workout, (already posted this).

Hope you enjoyed testing day.
How far down should you go when doing the windshield wipers?
Thanks for all the great ideas in this thread!
I've added the happy abs workout to our quarantine training plan.
The first time through CoachP's conditioning, my girls cried!!! Yes, level 9 and 10 and they cried!!! Now that they've been through it a couple of times, it is still a challenge, but getting better. They are doing CoachP's stretching and abs in the morning,Gotham Gymnastics conditioning in the afternoon, and ending with CoachP's legs or arms (switching off days). They are determined to come back stronger than ever!!! Thank you CoachP!!!

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