back walkovers on beam

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nasticsISlove 72

okay so i am starting to do back walkovers on the beam. but my problem is that I GO SOOOOOOOOO SLOW! once my coach was counting how long it took me and it was 13 seconds to complete it. when i try one faster, i eaither go to one side and dont make it on the beam, or my foot doesnt make it al the way on the beam and i fall off.
how can i make my back walkover on the beam straight?
How is your back walkover on floor?

And I'm curious as to how exactly you're managing to make a backwalkover take that long? Do you get stuck in the handstand, or are you actually moving the entire time?

Anyway, I would work it at the proper speed on floor or on a low beam, and then move it up to a high beam without decreasing the speed. For training purposes, it's better to fall while doing it properly than to land it by doing it incorrectly.
i have a great back walkover on the floor. i get stuck in the handstand split position. while im stuck and i try to finish it i eaither fall to the side or come up the way i sarted and then i fall.
Try pushing your shoulders open more (ie reverse planche) at the beginning of the walkover. This should help to get your weight farther over your hands, making it easier to step down from the handstand.
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Good advice Geoffrey. Try to remember....anything that can be done on the floor can be done on the beam. Perhaps you walkover is slow because of a mental thing---that you don't know you're thinking about (something in the back of your head). Try not thinking about it very much. I'm not saying that it is a mental thing, i'm just putting out another idea as to why it is slow seeing as you do them great on the floor.
I prefer to see backwalkovers being done slowly, it shows control, poise, and grace. If you just throw yourself over quickly then it either falls off or looks scruffy, being in complete control of your body (particularly the landing - and even more so if in future you would add a flic or tuck to the end) is nothing to worry about.
I prefer to see backwalkovers being done slowly, it shows control, poise, and grace. If you just throw yourself over quickly then it either falls off or looks scruffy, being in complete control of your body (particularly the landing - and even more so if in future you would add a flic or tuck to the end) is nothing to worry about.

It is definitely true that the skill should not be rushed; while 13 seconds is definitely excessive, this is not a skill that should be done quickly.
I agree---show the skill but don't take forever to show it.
Everyone has given some great ideas, but the one thing I haven't seen mentioned is spotting. Where is your focus when you reach back and what do you spot throughout the skill. If you have your eyes on the end of the beam and then think about reaching your first foot for that end, once the first foot is down and you start to reach up you should be reaching hands toward the other end with eyes spotting that end.

Also, are you starting with your front foot on the beam or lifted up?

Haven't we all have issues with backwalkovers at one point in time...I know i have. i had them down great then one day some dumb thought about falling got into my head and i wouldnt do them on anything higher than a low beam. What I do to make sure I don't go too fast or too slow is this:
1. Start in a tight position w/ just my big toe on the beam~resting lightly
2. When i go over i spot the end of the beam right away
3. stay tight
4. finish with my chest up!
I hope your backwalkover problem gets fixed soon! Good luck!
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thanks everyone! you all have given me great working advice! i now have my walkover, but it just is a little messy my coach told me. so i'll make sure i think about all of the advice you all have given me when ever i do another one. thanks!! <33

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