FYI, my dd is a gymnast who was moved from level 7 to level 8 within about 2 weeks of Level 7 states last year (completing only 1 year of level 7). The coach wanted to "see how she would do" at level 8, knowing full well that she did not have all her skills (giants, releases, etc.). For some reason he uses my dd as a "test case." And, it seems, she gets burned a bit for that.
My dd happens (thankfully) to be a gymnast who has natural good form, and thus still scores decently on beam and floor, and can vault pretty only bars is her true weakness. So, she was able (last year) to qualify for sectionals in her first level 8 meet, and did make states in the first sectional...all w/o doing giants.
Please note that I did not request at any time to have my duaghter move up to level 8, nor did she want it. I personally feel it was the biggest mistake in her gymnastic career. She has since become stressed over competing, and getting the required skills. I think she would have made a very good second year Level 7 (if she repeated). Instead, she is a weak 8 (even this year).
I appreciate the response by lannamavity. Being a coach, I'm sure you were looking to give me the coaches point of view. I felt, however, that a reply from me was in order to set the record straight, and see a parents point of view. We are taught (at our gym) not to question the coaches decision. So, I did not think it was my place to quesiton him moving my daughter up a level in the same year. But, what's done is done, and she can't go backwards. She is starting to get her confidence back a little bit, but it is a slow process.
And, another FYI, our coach does not really believe in "private lessons" that is virtually not an option. I have also suggested bringing in a bar coach, etc. I say what I can without stepping on toes. But, in response to lannamivity, I don't think the coach was being "nice", nor was I being an impatient parent. Please also note that I don't think her coach was being mean to her. I truly believe he cares about her. He just expects alot from her and perhaps was trying to push her. But, there is a breaking point for children...she was 11 when this all happend, and it just wasn't the right move (for her).
Thanks again for your input. I'm sure there are indeed parents who want their child pushed up, but I am not one of them. And, I'm also sure there are "nice" coaches who just move them up to keep the parents happy. Good luck to them all.
I keep my fingers crossed for my daughters future improvement. I have faith in her that she will perservere.