Beam Series

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Jun 24, 2010
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Next year I need a series on beam with a B flight element. I was wondering which element would be the easiest to learn, but also the one that will help me the most latter on. Round off, BHS, FHS (I don't have a FWO), or anyothers that your can think of. Then I need to connect this to a different element, I think that it has to be an A or a B with no flight, so a handstand, cartweel or BWO.
I would also like to connect an element to my dismount, but I was wondering what I should do. My current dismount is a front tuck, and I am working on backtucks. It can be any A or B that is a salto. What would you connect to one of these. My coach has suggest cartweel back tuck. Any other ideas? Thank you.
You can do HS-back tuck or CW-back tuck (RO-back tuck if you can) for your dismount. I had a good idea that I think would look pretty especially if you're flexible, but I don't know if it'll work (I've never tried it) - needle kick-back tuck. It seems to me the end of a needle kick is pretty much the same as a handstand so it'd be similar to HS-back tuck.

For your pass, you can do CW-swing thru to round-off, HS-BHS (you have to hold the HS for 2 seconds, though, so it's kinda hard to hit consistently), or BWO-BHS. If you had a FWO you could do FWO-FHS. Most girls at my gym work on a HS-BHS (but usually don't compete it because of the 2-second-hold thing) and then learn and compete a BWO-BHS. Most do a CW-back tuck for a dismount, although some level 9s do twisting front layouts. No one does a gainer dismount, though I suppose you could do CW/RO gainer dismount. I think that's hard.
I am only level 7. For a dismount series I think I will probably do a cartwheel backtuck. For my acro series, probably BHS, BWO, if I can get a BHS. Or a roundoff with something else. RO's hurt my feet when I land, is that normal? Sometimes I will intentionally split the beam, to avoid landing on my feet on the beam. This doesn't happen on the floor, or a beam expander, only on a beam (any company). My coaches solution to this is to put a yoga mat on the beam, it works. I am still open to any other ideas.
A good dismount it cartwheel back tuck; it's a simple skill to learn and you should master it quickly, and it looks pretty :)
In my opinion, a round off is the easiest and fastest flight element to learn. However, I know many gymnasts are against that skill due to the risk of straddling the beam! Backhandsprings are a very good and impressive skill to have, and you'll most likely need it in later levels, but for most gymnasts it takes a while to concur the fear and gain confidence to do it by yourself on a high beam. And if you don't have a front walkover, a front hand spring is not the best choice! So as a series you could do cartwheel roundoff, back walk over back hand spring, back walk over round off, handstand back hand spring, or any other combination!
Hope I helped! :)
I think a BHS-BWO would be hard to connect for credit. You could do BWO-BHS, HS(hold 2 sec)-BHS, or as many level 7s do, a BWO-BWO, though you want a B skill in your pass? You can do CW-CW, without a B, or CW-RO with a B, though that swinging connection is hard to get credit for.
Harder to connect. There's a whole thread on it :) :
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i just got my BWO-BHS today on the high beam for the first time =- Yay!\

Anyway, i think that the most simple series are BWO-BHS, and CW-RO

If your back flexibility is, shall we say, not up to par, i would suggest CW-RO because it doesn't involed and back- bending skills. I personally think that BWO-BHS are the easiest series to do.

here are some other cool series:
RO - BHS two foot
BHS step out - Back tuck
CW swing through - Side Somi ( is that spelled right ? maybe its sumi?)
FHS swing down - BHS
Tick Tock - BHS

Some cool dismounts:
RO - Back tuck
Side Gainer
Run Offs ( Gainer off of end of the beam)
CW - Front Gainer
Double front
One foot take of front layout
BWO - back tuck
I'm a lv 7 and have just started working FHS on beam. i'm not flexible at all AND i don't have a FWO but they seem to be going really well. I tried ROs and they didnt go too well and i'm scared to do BHS. PLUS i have a back injury. They arent that bad. Maybe you should try them?
I would say first learn a bhs. If all else fails then move on to something else. Because poeple often find it hard to build of a ro or a fhs. you dont see a ro lay step or a fhs front tuck on beam. If you want to connect it in a seires (for level 8) then I would say bwo bhs or bhs bwo(bwo bhs looks cleaner IMO)) Also for level 7 you could do bwo bwo as your seires and just a bhs in the routine for the flight element.But for level 8 you need a flight element in your seirres hence bwo bhs. I would also say cw tuck as a dismount. Nice simple consistent and fufills the requirment for a front or side element.
I agree with Kyra. I just learned my back handspring and it wasn't ready to put in a series so I am doing cartwheel roundoff. Once you get used to having your leg swing through its very easy to perform and connect.

Bwo bhs is a good series that can lead up to doing bhs bhs. The reason bhs bwo isn't usually done is because its very confusing to go faster-slower in a series as opposed to slower-faster in a bwo bhs. Also, many other higher level series go slower-faster at least slightly (bhs back layout stepout) so it would be confusing to have to slow down your series. In addition, its difficult to connect properly.

Fhs bhs is a good series to try, and also good for level 9. You get a little bit more time to connect than a series with backwards-backwards or forwards-forwards, but I wouldn't try it unless you have very consistent fhs's. Or at least more than half of the time you can get it solidly on the beam. A teammate of mine was trying fwo bhs and she had very nice fwo's, but she only made it well enough to connect half of the time, and when she did have good enough fwo's she only got up the courage to connect half of the time.

Another series that you don't usually see is fhs roundoff. Despite how unusual it sounds, its actually quite easy to connect. The same teammate who had trouble with her fwo bhs does this series now, and its working out quite well for her. Also, you could connect your dismount from the round off if wanted.

Theres quite a few more series options I'm sure, but these are ones that I personally have seen work out well.

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