Parents Beth's State meet this past weekend

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She was first thing in the morning--which she usually likes, but it's not so fun when you're the only one from your team there. NONE of the other girls came early to cheer her on, so she was upset about that too.

But she started on bars--where she wanted to start--and was first up--like she wanted. She did great too! Only scored an 8.85 (needs to point those toes LOL!), but still her best score this year. On to beam---no falls and no wobbles! She got just over a 9 (like 9.025 or something). Floor--her downfall this year. Her tumbling hasn't been great with her foot and she doesn't like her routine, so she doesn't perform it well. STill got an 8.7--highest of the year for her. And best of all--she doesn't have to do it ever again LOL! She just does a front handspring and only got an 8.3 (versus her 8.7 at the last meet). Looked really nice too.

Still-her all-around was 34.9, so she did qualify to go to Regionals, but she doesn't get to go. Her gym changed their rules and won't take the 8s unless they made Super 8 (which one of our girls did).

On to level 9 training now. I am taking her back to the orthopedic surgeon next week (soonest they could get her in) to make sure her ankle pain isn't anything big.
Congrats to Beth! She sure has made a come back with her injury!!! Hope all goes well next week at the doctor!!! :)
Great job Beth!!! Great that she managed to compete AA and she knows she did get the regionals score. NOw the fun and training for L9.
Yay Beth! Great job! That is a shame about the rules at your gym for going to Regionals but like Bog said--at least she knows that she qualified. Sounds like she had a good last meet for Level 8!! Now on to Level 9--Congrats!!!!
Congrats to Beth! What a strong comeback! Hoping all goes well at the doctor's next week and enjoy training for level 9!
Nice job to Beth! We were in the session right after you and let me tell you we thought Vault was toughly judged!

I bet she is excited to start perfecting her L9 skills!
Wow, the gym has a rule not to take athletes to meets that they qualify for? Do the parents stand for this? It seems strange to me that NO ONE stands up for the athletes and says something! If the coaches are there for the athletes that make super 8-why can they stay for anyone else?

I have worked for a very well known elite gym and we toook everyone who qualified to regionals. I now work for a smaller gym and we take everyone too. What is the reason for the rule?
Bummer about the coaches not taking them to Regionals, but it was good to hear that she did qualify! Onto 9....

Hopefully the Ortho will tell you nothing but good news! ;)
Congrats to Beth on finishing her season strong. She should be very proud of herself.

The judging on Saturday's Level 8 session was very tough. We went to see our Level 7's on Sunday and judging was a way easier story. I don't usually care about tough scores as long as it is fari but, lots of times that is not he case either.

Such is life. Ggood thing this is only a sport LOL

Good job and onto Level 9
Wow, the gym has a rule not to take athletes to meets that they qualify for? Do the parents stand for this? It seems strange to me that NO ONE stands up for the athletes and says something! If the coaches are there for the athletes that make super 8-why can they stay for anyone else?

I have worked for a very well known elite gym and we toook everyone who qualified to regionals. I now work for a smaller gym and we take everyone too. What is the reason for the rule?
I have to say I agree with gymch34 on this one. Don't understand the need for this rule. These girls push themselves to qualify for regionals only to be told they can't go??? Doesn't make sense to me. Seems like a slap in the face for all of their hard work & dedication. That being said, I'd like to congratulate Beth on qualifying to regionals!!! She has much to be proud of!!! Good luck at the ortho & with her L9 training:)!
Congratualations on a good meet.

I agree with the sentiment on not taking girls to regionals when they qualify. Really hard to understand and just doesn't seem right. It seems like it would be more bragging rights to the gym to have a larger number at regionals. And like someone mentioned, the coaches have to go anyway.
sounds like she did a great job and has done well! she should def be proud of herself this year!!
Great job! I wish her coaches would let her go to regionals though. That just doesn't seem fair.
congrats to Beth on such a great strong come back and a great meet. That is fantastic that she qualified for regionals!!!
Congrats to Beth on a great State meet and qualifying for Regionals. Sucks that they won't take them all. She qualified fair and square. I can't believe all the parents didn't protest this before.

Good luck to her training her 9 skills again!! I am sure that is at least exciting for her. Hope her ankle is fully healed.
Wow, the gym has a rule not to take athletes to meets that they qualify for? Do the parents stand for this? It seems strange to me that NO ONE stands up for the athletes and says something! If the coaches are there for the athletes that make super 8-why can they stay for anyone else?

I have worked for a very well known elite gym and we toook everyone who qualified to regionals. I now work for a smaller gym and we take everyone too. What is the reason for the rule?

Since I don't agree with it, I am not sure I can do justice to their explanation, but according to them...the judging at Regionals is goofy and since the 8s have no place to aspire to after REgionals (like 9s go to Westerns or 10s to Nationals) and the 8s are not being looked at by college coaches, there's no point in taking them. They also claim that many gyms in our area aren't taking their 8s to Regionals either. I don't know many people from other gyms around here, so I can't say if that's true or not! They feel it's better for the gymnast to start training for the next level, then to spend time on Regionals.
Congrats to Beth on a great State meet and qualifying for Regionals. Sucks that they won't take them all. She qualified fair and square. I can't believe all the parents didn't protest this before.

Good luck to her training her 9 skills again!! I am sure that is at least exciting for her. Hope her ankle is fully healed.

I know the parents complained amongst ourselves and I complained to the coaches, but didn't change anything. I don't think they realize how much the girls looked forward to the opportunity to go to Regionals--level 8 is their first chance at that and it stinks that they won't let them go (all our level 8s at State qualified for Regionals--only one girl gets to go because she made super 8).
Wow. So how many coaches go with that one girl? And do the other members of your booster club end up footing the bill for the coaches to go to regionals with one girl?

The explanation you offered doesn't do much for me. Sure they're not going to qualify for something else, but that's kind of the point. As a level 8, they can go get the experience of regionals without the pressure of having to qualify for nationals. That way when they are 9s, it's not a totally new experience.
What a wonderful meet she had, and how awesome to score those personal bests! Sorry to hear about regionals, thats got to be tough for her. But training L9 has got to be exciting for her too...what an accomplishment to reach these high levels! Congrats to her!
Eh, bummer about the regionals thing (not fair IMHO, but...)

WOW...a level 9 next year! How very exciting and cool!

Congrats to her on a great meet!! Hope the Dr appt goes well, she gets completely healed and rested and has an awesome L9 season. Again, L9!!! Just so cool!!!:D

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