state meet

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  1. JBS

    2024 State Gymnastics Meet Discussion Thread

    Lots of State Meets going on right now... talk about them here! This thread is for ALL... MAG... WAG... Developmental (DP)... Xcel... etc. Tell us about you or your athlete at the State Meet.
  2. A

    Anon SoCal combining optionals and compulsory state meet seasons into Mega State Meet… fallout?

    I feel like with the USAG season changing to just having one giant Level 3-10 state meet in the spring this year that we will have some interesting turnout situations arise. All the top gymnasts in SoCal usually compete 4 or 5 states in the fall and then jump to Level 6 or 7 in the spring. If...
  3. A

    Anon Level 10 stressed about state meet

    My daughter is a first year level 10. The bars have been a struggle for a variety of reasons. She lost her bars coach in January, and it has been very difficult to get consistent bars coach the remainder of the season. She is very stressed about the state meet. Her other three events have...
  4. A

    Parents How important is the state meet?

    We are closing on a house in a different state in a couple weeks. We’ve been planning on staying where we are until our daughter’s state meet in mid-May. But it recently occurred to us that maybe we don’t have to let gymnastics rule our lives. So we’re considering the possibility of, you know...
  5. G

    Parents Fall State Meet Compulsory qualification with spring score?

    My daughter competed 3 spring 2022 level 5 meets. Does she need to compete level 5 in the fall to qualify for states if she already qualified in all 3 20222 spring meets? Would rather focus on optionals training in fall. There was no state meet in the spring FYI, unlike during the 2021 when...
  6. Mrs. Puma

    Parents Gymnastics is a funny sport...State meet report

    Yesterday was USAIGC States for Puma Jr. It was the first meet (besides two in house meets that were sanctioned) she‘s competed in almost 18 months. She broke her ankle in January 2020, then her wrist in December 2020, and that whole pandemic thing lol. Her main level, USAIGC Silver (L6/7ish)...
  7. D

    Parents State meet scoring??

    Please help me understand state meet scoring. Say a meet has three sessions of Junior A kids in level 3, are there three state champions with the winner of each session considered a state champion? Or is there one state champion that is determined across all kids in junior A from across all...
  8. D

    Parents Help me understand state meet scores

    Help me understand state meet scores. My daughter hasn’t had her state meet yet but will soon. I’m trying to understand if scoring is different than a regular meet. So, for example, say there are three sessions for a level and each session has a group of junior A kids. Is there one all around...
  9. D

    WAG State meet question

    Please help me understand the importance of the state meet. Is it just a bigger pool of athletes from across the state. So, instead of say 12 kids to compete against, there are 25-30? If you win at states, then what? It seems that the focus is on states and doing well at states, but I guess I...
  10. C

    Parents State Meet gift bags stuff - what to do?

    As I'm sure many of you have done, we had started our annual collection of items for state meet bags prior to the meet cancellations. I'm the one who was to be putting the bags together. Including myself, only about 1/2 of the parents contributed items prior to the decision and no one has...
  11. sun

    Coaches annual compulsory state meet brag

    had a fun time at state this year with the lv4s :D we didn't place as well (18T of 77 compared to 7/73), but our team score was comprised of all 2nd year 4's last year, and all 11 of our 4's this year are first years, so I'm pretty happy bars was pretty great, we went from an 8.9 averg with 16...
  12. S

    WAG Injury week of State Meet

    Hey. How do you find out if one can petition to Regionals if they get injured 4 days before state? She’s a level 10 gymnast... Thanks.
  13. ArmyMom

    MAG Well they apparently got kicked out of State meet too!

    So remember when I posted how the older level 8’s & 9’s got the boot from Region 3 Regionals championship? Well as I went to the Texas State meet site and just happened to look at the age groups guess what I saw... Texas BOOTED those age groups from th State Meet too! UGH! What next?
  14. emmaflips

    WAG How to qualify for a state meet?

    I’m relatively new to competitive gymnastics (I was doing recreational up until two years ago), and this year is the first year for my gym that the competitions are judged. For reference I’m a level 3 :). I’m not quite sure what qualifying for state entails completely, but for Ohio, my state, I...
  15. M

    WAG State meet extreme nerves

    My dds have state meet this weekend, they are both eager to please, type A, perfectionists. My younger one is extremely nervous for the meet and she keeps saying "What if i don't make regionals?" "What if I fall" and i keep telling her "You've gotten 36.8 plus at all your meets this season!!!"...
  16. notthatmom

    WAG Illinois L3 State Meet is super LATE this year...

    So last season it was end of march/first week of April, this year it isn't until the first weekend in May! Meaning they have like a month and a half from their last qualifying meet until state. Seems weird doesn't it? The rest of the levels have their state meets all in March....anyone know why...
  17. L

    WAG Sophia State Meet in the books

    I would have never thought when Sophia needed surgery last October that she would have any season at all. To have her compete, qualify to Nastia Cup, score her first 10 and just last weekend win three events at her State Meet has been such a blessing. Injuries are HARD but WOW the character is...
  18. kassgymnast_

    WAG State Meet 2017

    I've been told by several people (not my coaches..?) that I have hit the required score for Level 6 State Meet. I see other posts on here saying that their state meets are all in one weekend in the same place for like L6-L10. Ours are different places, different weeks, different times. Guess...
  19. G

    WAG State meet schedule?

    So NC L6-10 state meet is March 16-19. The last qualifier is scheduled the weekend of 3/11. Does that mean they won't be able to put out a schedule until 3/13? That seems ridiculously late for such a huge meet. Is anyone "in the know" about which levels might go which days? I personally am...
  20. G

    WAG qualifying for state meet

    If you are repeating a level but qualified to states for this level last season, do you have to re-qualify each year?