Parents Bigger Bog Meet report

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Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Ah well there have been better, there have also been worse. I have to give it to her, she is tenacious and has great team spirit. When team mates are crying over their bad scores, she is the one giving them a high five and a hug.

Here are the scores, they will mean nothing to most of you, so I'll explian them later.

Vault 11.8 8th place
Bars 10.75 7th place
Beam 10.65
Floor 11.10

AA 44.30

Vault, well what can I say, usually her worst but today was her best. Thanks for the vault proulsion fairy MSL, she's on her way back to you, I cloned her whilst she was here, need to keep that one around.

Bars, they brought in a new rule this year, kip has to be attatched to a cast of above horizontal or both elements don't count. So guess what her routine was lovely but she had a deduction of over 1.0, she would've medalled for sure. But always good to have something to work on. Just watched the video, and as the coach thought, her cast was high enough, DD is a bit peeved.

Beam was a wobble fest, she was the only girl in our club not to fall, but the fact that she stayed on was a miracle!!!

Floor was great and looking lovely, until she forgot the end and along with it her full turn, Deduction of 0.5. She also would've placed with that skill.

All in all not a terrible meet, she has two ribbons to show for it, medals only go to 3rd place, ribbons to 8th.

She has two meets left, we'll see what they will bring.

THanks for all the good wishes, she loved reading them this morning!
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sounds like she did great - I will have to search for the old thread explaining the scoring but hey - two ribbons is not bad at all.

I think overcoming vault is a huge WoooHooo !! and very smart of MammaBog to clone the vault fairy !!!
Sounds like she did good and has great spirits.I'm shure at the next meet she will be rocking.
Along with her 2 ribbons....I think she wins the team spirit award too!:)
Great job BB! I do not have any idea what those scores are, but they seem awesome:D I agree- along with those two ribbons, she should get the spirit award!
Congrats BB :D Sounds like she did really well - I'm glad to hear she won some ribbons too !! You must be so proud of how supportive of her teammates she was - she sounds like quite an incredible young lady :)
Great job BB! I do not have any idea what those scores are, but they seem awesome:D I agree- along with those two ribbons, she should get the spirit award!

Yeah, if we get a 10 here, it's really bad. I can see how our scores look great!!!

I'll post her floor and bar routine tomorrow, I didn't get the vault, too many judges in the way (how dare they???) and the beam's is going in the vault of things to forget!!!
Good job on those scores, they sound great. Tell her to keep working hard!
Good for her! Sounds like she did a great job. Boo to rule changes on the bars! Ribbons and medals are great, team spirit is priceless. Good for her!:D
Good for her! I love that she is the team 'go-to' girl for hugs & high fives! What a great kid. :rolleyes:

Did you have fun watching?

Great idea to clone the vault fairy! :D SO glad your dd did well on it, and it's nice to have a 'surprise' strong event! It keeps things interesting, for her and for you!

Sounds like a good start to her season. Just enjoy every step of the way!:cool:
Congrats to BiggerBog - Beetle and I are looking forward to the videos!

I am not surprised that she was the girl that was hugging her teammates and making them smile! That is what you do for us here on the Bucket! Like Mother like Daughter, I think!
I am not surprised that she was the girl that was hugging her teammates and making them smile! That is what you do for us here on the Bucket! Like Mother like Daughter, I think!

I agree wholeheartedly, Kristilyn! Couldn't have said it better myself! :)
Sounds like she had a good meet:)! Improvement on vault is always a good thing! How sweet - that she is the "team spirit" girl. Something for both of you to be proud of! I look forward to hearing about her future meets!
I love this kid!! :D

I am sooooo incredibly proud of T!!!!!! From a point where she could not even compete Fx & Vault to competing all 4 events and doing very well. WOW! She is such a trooper & I always say an amazing girl, because most would have walked away under those circumstances - but she did not... she stayed and fought & now she is back in the game, and doing wonderful!

I would be mad about bars too, coach always tries to get the girls to hold their casts (even at horizontal) so it can never be mistaken.

mmm-hmmmm , tap, tap, tap - i looked in my box but did not find any vids...
I love what a good teammate she is! She has come a long way and should be very proud. That sucks about the cast. :(

Hope she stays healthy and has fun at her next 2 meets!
Loved the meet report. Although the scores were not the greatest (I really don't know, just going by what you said ;)) you have a winner of a kid! To have a compassionate child is a gold medal in my book! Yeah for vault, boo-hiss for bar judges perception! She knows she can cast to where she needs to and that will keep her fired up for the next time!
Wow! What great determination and spirit!!! To me, sometimes that is more important than placing first. Kids like her are real role models for their attitude, drive and spirit!!!! Awesome job!!!
Congrats on her 2 ribbons:) That is awesome. I bet she is happy to be back competing:)
I love hearing about your girls:)
Keep posting:)

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