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Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Both girls had their last regular meet this weekend. They both had some great moments.

Bitty Bog competed on Saturday evening, lovely warm day and about a 90 min drive from home.

Started on the bars, nice routine, some good improvements, very tough judging. She is still the only one competing her flyaway in her age group.

10.75 8th place

Trampoline was the usual, she doesn't love it and just does it. 10.4.

Vault has been a real challenge this year, the table is so high at 125cm and their is only one springboard that clubs can use, all gymnova. She did get over, but it wasn't pretty. No spot allowed either. 10.4.

Beam, so interesting as beam has always been her nemesis. AT her first meet this year she actually didn't fall off and placed 8th, her second meet she fell. So as she has been struggling so much in the gym with that CW I was imagining that she would be falling off all over, but no she did a really nice routine (for her) and got a 11.8 and a nice shiny silver medal and got to stand on the podium for the first time ever! SHe was very proud.

We don't know if she will get to provincials, there are 15 girls in the region who are her age and level. They take the top 3 AA and then the top three on each of the five apparatus. But as the results never get published we have no idea who will get to go. She has been up against some powerhouse gyms who hold back their gymnasts and who train all year long, so just placing is amazing.

Then on to Bigger Baby Bog, she competed bright and early Sunday morning. There were only three girls in her catagory, all from our club, so they only gave out first place medals.

Started on tramp, she usually does really well there and this time was no exception 10.8 and a gold medal.

Bars, agh, for the first time ever she actually brushed the floor on her low bar kip and then as she didn't have enough swing she bashed her nose on the bar and fell. Deduction of 0.5 for the foot brush, 1.0 for the fall and then 0.5 for no entre. She jumped back up and did the rest of her routine beautifully. She got a 10.1, which was an amazing score considering the huge deductions she already had.

Vault, well she got over it, she hasn't trained it at all. 11.4

Beam, well you have to laugh. Usually she is very strong here, she fell twice, on her full turn and on her split leap. She actually started laughing when she got back up the second time as it was so ridiculous. Even with the two falls, 1.0 each, she still scored 10.6.

She warmed up for floor, but I could see her ankle was sore, she hasbn't tumbled much since the last meet. SO she and I decided she should scratch floor.

I will put some vids up later, they are processing right now!
Congrats to both girls. A sliver and a gold, that is awesome!!!!
WOW E is looking good! i really liked how tight she looks on bars
Congrats to both of them! Loved E's videos. Where are T's?
I put up T's tramp, but the rest she asked to be relegated to the bin. Though the beam is funny where she laughs, the bars is painful.

I agree that E has improved her bars are really coming along, she now has her low bar kip at each practice and her high bar kip is that close along with her sole circle.
Congrats to both girls Bog!! I will have to wait till I get home to see the vids! Gold and silver--can't get much better than that!!!
Congrats to both girls. I will have to go check out the videos before u take them down. Thanks for sharing love hearing how everyone did.
Very cool about the gold and the silver medals!:):) Also love the standing on the podium for the first time EVER...that is SO big for them! Woo hoo!
LOL that you can't leave the videos up for long...I will go check them out now before it is too late!
I thought E's bars and tumbling on floor were very well as the dismount on the beam! Glad I got to see them while they are still up!:)
Congrats--way to go girls!!! First time on podium is always very exciting. E's floor routine and music is very up beat :). I am curious about trampoline as an event, I know my daughter would really enjoy that as a routine.
Congrats--way to go girls!!! First time on podium is always very exciting. E's floor routine and music is very up beat :). I am curious about trampoline as an event, I know my daughter would really enjoy that as a routine.

They compete five apparatus and the AA score is their top four scores added together. This allows girls who are weak on one thing to still excel. They can also qualify to Provincials on just one apparatus as wel.

THe programme is designed for girls who train 9 hours or less per week, some gyms do stretch that a bit with huge summer training hours. Many gyms do not train in summer at all.

Tramp is a lot of fun and my oldest gymmie really enjoys it as she has always been able to compete it, even when injured!
I loved watching these videos of your girls. Lovely beam routine and bars for Baby Bog and awesome trampoline for Bigger Bog. Isn't it neat when they get to stand on the podium?
Good news, Baby Bog qualified for provincials on beam, so Fridy night for Bigger Bog and Saturday am for Bitty Bog. We will stay in a hotel overnight, sadly no team mates as there are no other families with two gymnasts competing the same days as us, but we will have FUN. Oh yes and TWO oreo McFLurries!!!!

It will even be broadcast live on the internet!
I just look at your oldest bug in tramp. She was wonderful ! Her form, pointed toes, control in her moves...Just perfect ! I understand that she love tramp !
They did great!!! Congrats on the awards and qualifying, too! I'd never seen a tramp routine looks like its a lot of fun!! :)

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