Chalk Bucket T-shirt Design Contest

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Optionals United: Did you make those vector silhouettes of the gymnasts/handprints yourself? They are all so good!
They are all actually online in graphics. I was just looking at alot of those and most of them are on the tshirt design sites.
Oh, ok, thanks! That makes so much more sense. She had so many, and it takes me an hour just to make one!
Nooooooooo! i can not draw for my life lol. i have been using for my designs andd they have some pictures. you drew yours??
I took real pictures of my friends in the gym, and traced them using a tool in inkscape. Then I just filled in the blank space with white and deleted the original image. It takes quite awhile to learn, but I've been using that program for a long time, and it comes pretty easily now. Plus, my friends love having the silhouettes of them! LOL

(as for the handprint, I just found a picture of one online and traced it in the program)
Well I was going to try to design one, but I totally fail at drawing things on the computer. I'm actually a decent artist on paper, but I'm completely clueless about design programs! Plus, the designs gymnastbeth and Optionals United came up with are amazing!
mustlovejumping. i have been just using a custom t-shirt design website. it works can be a little frustarting at times, but its not that difficult.
Idea for shirt

I have been home sick from school for the past 2 days so i came up with two more designs. it is a good way to pass time.


ETA: MaryA i made another one of what you said your idea was. i think this one is better than the other one
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Do I live in the only area where the name Suzie is also used as a polite name for your ummmmm..... private area?

I couldn't buy and wear a shirt that said What can your Suzie do without getting a lot of inappropriate looks. LOL
Do I live in the only area where the name Suzie is also used as a polite name for your ummmmm..... private area?

I couldn't buy and wear a shirt that said What can your Suzie do without getting a lot of inappropriate looks. LOL

LOL! That made my day! It is where I live too!
Yeah, the look on my daughter's face when she had a classmate named Suzie still sticks in my head.
Do I live in the only area where the name Suzie is also used as a polite name for your ummmmm..... private area?

I couldn't buy and wear a shirt that said What can your Suzie do without getting a lot of inappropriate looks. LOL

OMG....laughing too hard! That has totally made my day!!!
I have not heard about Mary and Suzie but I did have a Mrs. Beaver who taught bym in high school. When a new school was opening in the area someone suggested that the mascot be named after local animals and beaver was suggested.
These are all great! Let's get some more designs in. The contest will remain open until the end of June.

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