Gymnasts Clear hip tips!! Xcel Platinum

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Aug 7, 2023
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Hi, could i get some tips for platinum bars?

I am working on clear hips and I am doing everything decently (at least i think) except i always have to tap my feet coming out of it to connect my kip. I have no clue how to fix it!! I can sometimes not tap my feet but only when my coach spots the drop back of the clear hip for some reason?? I really just need some tips-my coach just told me to glide out more but when i do that i can’t ever make my kip.

and on a side note, what are some tips for overcoming fears on floor?
I can do my round off back handspring back tuck off the rod floor into 2 mats in the pit, but I am terrified to do it on the floor. My coach spots me on the floor and I can do it then, and he says he really isn’t spotting me rather just putting his hand in my back but I am just so terrified to go on my own. any tips for overcoming that??

and then on another side note for anybody else that has seen my past threads lol!!

my vault is getting really consistent and i made a whole platinum beam routine the other day and stuck every skill!! i think i’m getting the hang of it, now it’s just time to get my bar routine together and face my fears on floor
1. hold yourself on top of the bar as long as you can after the clear hip - this will give you a chance to control the descent so you don't drop your feet as hard

2. get good (consistent reps every practice) at multiple glides in a row and leg lifts

3. if you can keep your feet up, but you can't kip - you might need to sneak in an extra re-grip before you pull for the kip. this could be during the glide, leg lift, or before you drop into the glide - whatever feels best.

for fear on floor - I'd either keep stacking up the landing mats for the tuck or start doing pikes and layouts (if coach says you're ready) on 1-2 mats uphill on rod floor so that you aren't tumbling "at your limit" on floor. you could also add some mats on floor, get it by yourself on the mats, then take the mats out.
1. hold yourself on top of the bar as long as you can after the clear hip - this will give you a chance to control the descent so you don't drop your feet as hard

2. get good (consistent reps every practice) at multiple glides in a row and leg lifts

3. if you can keep your feet up, but you can't kip - you might need to sneak in an extra re-grip before you pull for the kip. this could be during the glide, leg lift, or before you drop into the glide - whatever feels best.

for fear on floor - I'd either keep stacking up the landing mats for the tuck or start doing pikes and layouts (if coach says you're ready) on 1-2 mats uphill on rod floor so that you aren't tumbling "at your limit" on floor. you could also add some mats on floor, get it by yourself on the mats, then take the mats out.
my coach said i am pulling out for my glide too late, and then i am jerking my legs up which is why i have no power for my kip..or something along those lines lol

my question is:
is it because of a lack of strength or am i just not used to the motion yet?

and if i by any chance don’t have a clear hip that’s ready to compete by december, could i do two back hip circles in a row to replace it??

my routine as of right now is:
-cast above horizontal
-clear hip
-cast squat on
-toe circle
-jump to high bar kip
-cast tucked flyaway
basically, everything is connected except my clear hip because i am tapping my feet on the ground or i don’t make the kip at all after.
so any suggestions on what another bar routine could be if my clear hip isn’t ready??
You couldn't do 2 back hip circles to replace it because the clear hip is a b skill and you need one. You could do a tuck flyaway 1/2 twist or cast to handstand for b skills. Do you need to do the toe circle after the cast squat on? My dd only did that if she fell back on the squat on. Otherwise she did the same routine without it.
You couldn't do 2 back hip circles to replace it because the clear hip is a b skill and you need one. You could do a tuck flyaway 1/2 twist or cast to handstand for b skills. Do you need to do the toe circle after the cast squat on? My dd only did that if she fell back on the squat on. Otherwise she did the same routine without it.
My coach said I shouldn’t be too worried about it based on the fast progress I did already on it. She’s thinking I may just be tired because we go to bars at the end of practice so she is going to try to let me go in the beginning next week so I am not so tired because I used to be able to do the kip connected it just wasn’t very consistent. Now, at the end of practice, I am not able to connect any which is what is worrying me personally.
And no, I don’t have to do it the toe circle. I only do it sometimes if I don’t make my squat on as well but it’s become a habit of mine so I would not be surprised if I did it at a meet.
Just to clarify, you do need a 360 degree circling skill so if you don't get your clear hip, you would still need that somewhere. I assume that a toe circle or back hip circle would cover that but I really don't know for sure. I would confirm with your coach. Glad that your coach is working with you on this and letting you try earlier at practice.
Just to clarify, you do need a 360 degree circling skill so if you don't get your clear hip, you would still need that somewhere. I assume that a toe circle or back hip circle would cover that but I really don't know for sure. I would confirm with your coach. Glad that your coach is working with you on this and letting you try earlier at practice.
just an update! i started connecting it again :) they are not very consistent, but i usually hit 1 or 2 routines a day now which is better than not being able to do any. for some reason the first routine i do of the day is always the best and then i slowly start not being able to connect my kip as well. i don’t know if it’s just because i’m tired but i’m trying to improve it.

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