I went to the USAG page to register my son and saw there was a new addition to Men’s Gymnastics called Club Track. It seems like a great idea, it’s supposed to be like Xcel for boys and it was described as being a way for boys to have gymnastics as a second sport. But then it also said it was a “way to fast track boys into team”, so I didn’t understand that.
Has Club Track now replaced JD? I know they re-did levels. While it doesn’t affect us, I was just curious. MAG seems to be inclined to making big changes every 4 years, but in my opinion, it would be most beneficial to also focus on options for boys to continue to do gymnastics after high school. NCAA programs are endangered.
Has Club Track now replaced JD? I know they re-did levels. While it doesn’t affect us, I was just curious. MAG seems to be inclined to making big changes every 4 years, but in my opinion, it would be most beneficial to also focus on options for boys to continue to do gymnastics after high school. NCAA programs are endangered.