Now, don't think that because gymnasts have really great relationships with their coaches, yours isn't special. It's so wonderful what gymnasts and their coaches have. I play 2 other sports and I've never been as close to my coaches/teachers as I have as with my gymnastics coaches. I think gymnastics is so mental, that all gymnasts have a special bond.
I've had 2 coaches that have really really impacted my life.
One was at my old gym (that closed in January and I haven't seen her since), she started coaching there 2 months after I started gymnastics. We went to the Kelloggs Tour together with another coach and my teammate and she became my best friend and sister from then on. She's only 5 years older if you're wondering. She did a lot for me, and was there in a time where I transitioned into high school and was struggling with friendships and just a whole bunch. I owe her everything because she has really taught me everything I know and given me so much more than just skills.
My second coach is my high school coach, and will be my coach for the next two years (thank goodness). She isn't my second mom, she's mom 1.5. I've accidentally called her mom before which was a little embarrassing. We actually kind of look alike. We have a really good relationship, but obviously more of a motherly relationship than a sister/best friend one. She's the one I talk to about boys, gymnastics, really anything. Even when we don't see each other everyday we text at least once a week, sometimes we'll go out to lunch. She considers me a daughter and it's nice to know that she loves me as much as I love her. She's my favorite person in the world.
Sorry this is so long, I've never had the chance to express how much I love and appreciate my coaches before!