coaches/gymnasts, i really need my handstand on bars but just cant seem to get it.

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I have read the other threads with drills, but those just don't seem to help..

*this is really long, sorry..*

I am trying to get my cast handstand. My coaches have me working both straddle up, and straight body.

side note : I am a level 8 trying to go 9. I know i shouldn't have gone 8 or even 7 without a cast handstand and without giants, but I am at a park district and I was more then ready on my other events..
And its not like I just started working on getting my cast handstand. I've been trying to get it for over 3 years. (3 years of really focusing, not counting compulsory when you were taught just to cast up)

When I do my straddle up I can't seem to get my butt up, because i think what i do is once i cast, i throw my shoulders back and just separate my legs. i can do basically all the drills you can think of perfectly fine, majority of them with ease. And when I do the drills I feel where my body is and what its doing so I can try and do that when i cast. but when i cast, nothing really happens..

What are some drills that I can do (at home or at the gym) to get my butt up?

And with my straight body i can get to horizontal with good form, but thats as high as i go. i can cast pretty high if i really arch, and bend my legs and arms, but im also throwing my shoulders back when i cast arched..
-my coach told me the other day to just do my arched cast so i can work giants out of it.. but i dont want the bad form to become a habit. I have a lot more trouble correcting my form once i learn skills with bad form. (for some its easy, not for me). Bars is my weakest event (i score 9's on v,bb,fe. but high 5's - low 7's on bars)
should i just work the arch cast to work it into other skills, or should i really be focusing on form?

(i think i developed the habit of pushing my shoulders away from the bar from when i was younger and was scared i was going to fall over the bar. i still have that fear that if my shoulders are too far over i'll fall and land really hard on the bar..)

Are there any shoulder strengthening exercises i can do at home?
What drills can I do at home for straight body casts?
(i know there is plenty for straddle ups, but i haven't seen many on here for straight body..)
What drills are really helpful in the gym that I can work on alone during a bar workout?
Coaches : what drills do you have your gymnasts do that you really see improvement with? (without spots)

*if you know any good youtube videos that demonstrate the drills, that would be greatly appreciated. *

side note:my coaches wont spot cast handstands anymore, because everyone but me, and 3 other girls have their handstand.

stuff i have at home to workout/condition with :
elastic band (thera-band) the yellow kind..
wrist weights
exercise ball
the iron gym chin up bar (it can be put on the floor and i can do like handstands and stuff on it.. safely of course)
trampoline (outdoor) (if theres any tramp drills..)

side note : one of our sub coaches was coaching me one day and said that it seems like my back is weak, and thats why i cant get very high (on my straight body cast). is it true that if you have a weak lower back, your casts aren't going to be good?

*again, really sorry for this being long*
If your lower back is weak, you are going to have a heck of a time casting to handstand.

To maintain the ability to keep your shoulders over the bar, work planche progressions. This can start simply as planching as much as you can in a pushup/prone support or can be doing elbows to ribs pushups this way. You should aim to have your hands between your ribs and waist while in this position.

You can also work a tuck planche besides dips and handstand pushups.

Handstand planche lower down to pushup/prone is a good drill.

For your lower back and core you should master an L-sit for 30-60s and a body lever to horizontal. A body lever is a harder form of a hollow hold (which you should be able to do 1-3 minutes) and is similar to a front lever.

For lower back work you can work leg lifts while in a handstand, skin the cats (the rear portion works the lower back) or leg lifts while lying on a pommel horse or table. When you can do these weighted with some significant weight, your lower back will be strong enough for the cast handstand. You can do these while lying on the exercise ball with weights on your ankles.

Another thing that will develop the strength in the upper body and core to cast handstand is simply swing handstand on parallel bars. It's easier than a cast handstand but still requires some upper body and core strength. Still working this alone will not give you that strength as you need to work the upper body and core strength to be able to do it.

Bars for girls is often solved by just getting stronger barring some form issues (some strong kids just have poor form). Sometimes form breaks down because of a lack of strength or power. If you cannot maintain certain positions, you cannot move through such positions (candle, L and straddle-L sit, some planche/lever stuff).

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