WAG Coach's gym switch?

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Dec 7, 2009
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There are a lot of gym switch posts on here, which I enjoy reading so I know things not to do. Now it's time to ask how to know when it's time for a coach to go. For the most part I like my gym. I have had the same group for the 4.5 years I've been there, and been the head coach of the group for the past 2. I like that I've gotten to decide how their training will go, and they've come a long way. I love my co-workers. And hate my boss. Well, I don't hate her. She can be very nice. We've had some great conversations. But she is a terrible boss. She doesn't communicate well and then gets angry when we don't know what's going on. She yells a lot. Mostly at staff, but occasionally at the kids. A recent oversight on my part put me in tears when the yelling went on and on even though a simple please do it differently next time would have done the trick. Then there is the matter of the upper coaches (my boss is one of them) now wanting to take my best kids to put in their group with no explanation when I ask why. I realize they are allowed to do that but I wish I was being given a chance to prove that I am also capable of continuing to coach them. I do have limits and a lot still to learn but these kids will be only level 6s or 7s next year and I know I'm capable of coaching that. Some days I feel like giving up and just taking the upcoming 3s like they want. Other days I feel like fighting for my group. And a couple times in the past month I have felt like trying to find a new job. But then I think about the kids and feel like I can't possibly leave them.
I originally started this post to ask if I should try to find somewhere else or just deal with it. After a particularly bad night last night I emailed a couple big sports complexes to see if they'd like to open a gym in their facilities. Surprisingly, two of them want to meet with me, so if those go well then I will stick it out until one can open. In the meantime, what to do? I guess mostly I'm just complaining. Thanks for reading.
Be aware that some aspects may be no different where ever you go.

Most gyms work that way, you coach a group of kids while at a certain level and the. When they reach a higher level they move onto a different coach.

If they have an established system of coaches who do the upper levels they are unlikely to change this. If you have not coached level 6-7 before at that gym, most gyms would not be prepared to experiment on you as coach by giving you a level 6-7 group to see if you can do it. If you couldn't do it then the kids would suffer.

Instead you may need to find other ways to do it. Why not volunteer to help with the group in order to learn the required coaching skills. It doesn't matter if you agree with how they do things or not, they will feel validated that you want to learn from them and you will be more Eli,Ely considered for higher groups in the future.

Perhaps going to another gym will solve the problem, or perhaps it will require you to start from scratch and start proving yourself again.
If you are in a system that has an upper coach, then...... well...... you can fight but,,,, it's what you were hired into.
Ok I get it. Thanks. I will fight and take what I get. And then I will go learn from them. I am constantly learning from them. They are good coaches. But they have never had levels 6 and 7 before. They usually start with the girls at level 8 or 9. But in the past the (compulsory) 6s and the 7s have not looked as good as these girls do. I am also a good coach and they have a great start to their careers.
Ok I get it. Thanks. I will fight and take what I get. And then I will go learn from them. I am constantly learning from them. They are good coaches. But they have never had levels 6 and 7 before. They usually start with the girls at level 8 or 9. But in the past the (compulsory) 6s and the 7s have not looked as good as these girls do. I am also a good coach and they have a great start to their careers.

They coach level 8+ and they've never coached level 6/7 before? They probably have. The other stuff with the yelling is a big problem. I would urge you not to compare who is a better coach or what they know, because it will just cause frustration. Focus on the bigger problems. Someone can coach preteam all their life and be a better coach than some level 10 coaches. It really has nothing to do with level.
Oh I'm sure they've coached level 6/7, just not at this gym since I've been there. I'm trying to be ok with whatever happens but it's hard.
Are they aware that you have an interest in coaching higher levels?
I expressed that to my boss at our meeting last year. And this year she said, "I know you want to keep your group, but..."
So, I think so. But I could always reiterate that I do.
I guess I am looking at this from a different perspective...you have done a great job with one group of kids and it's time for them to move up to another coach. Maybe boss lady is looking to you to work your magic with the new group of kids? We have an AMAZING lower level coach at our gym...it is bitter sweet when a kid "moves up and out" of this coach's group...could she work with upper levels, absolutely! But she is probably the best coach they have had at this level in years so why mess up a good thing? She has done her job very well in preparing the girls to move on from her and now it's time for the new batch ;-)
Thanks Bess. I've thought about doing just what you suggest. I do like that I'm a good lower level coach, and I feel completely comfortable in that role. And that may end up how it works out. But it doesn't change the fact that I do want to coach them as 6s and 7s. We said we'd be deciding on groups at the end of May so I'll just wait it out and we'll see how it goes.
I expressed that to my boss at our meeting last year. And this year she said, "I know you want to keep your group, but..."
So, I think so. But I could always reiterate that I do.
It sounds like the coach just thinks you want to keep your group, but are not that aware that you want to coach higher levels.

It also sounds like they aren't to keen on the idea. Saying things like "I want to coach this or that" often won't get the response you are after. It sounds like you just want to do it and you feel like you have a right to do it, despite having no experience. I am not saying that is how you feel, but I think that may be how it is coming across to your boss.

A better question to ask them may be. "What do I need to DDto develop my skills so that I can coach level 6 and 7". Most head coaches will look upon this sort of statement with much more seriousness, they want to help you develop as a coach and you sound more willing to learn.
I can certainly use that sentence, and I think it will come across well, as you suggest. But I do have probably 10 years of experience at that level, just not since I've been at this gym.
I know exactly how you feel. I've coached a group of girls through advanced rec. gymnastics, pre-team, level 3, level 4, and level 5. Now most of them are going onto levels 6 and 7 and it's quite heartbreaking. I've watched these girls grow up and become beautiful, strong gymnasts. I also have coached them long enough to know how they work and how to get them motivated. I coach beam/floor and the jump between 5 and 6/7 is not that big. I know I could do it. Most of my 5s already competed a bhs on beam and I've taught them from a round-off in rec. to a round-off bhs back tuck. I know I can get them doing layouts and front-handspring fronts.

I also know that I'll be going through the same feelings next year when my little peanut level 4s finish their level 5 season. It sucks. I can't really offer you advice because I'm going through the same thing. And it really, really sucks. When I brought it up at a meeting to the HC he said "Well, you'll still SEE them".....yeah.....okay, but I want to COACH them. I think being a compulsory coach is hard in that way because you train them for 3+ years and then have to hand them off at the end.

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