I prefer to have a gymnast be able to do a V-hang for 10 seconds and 10 Hanging Leg lifts, however I have had some gymnasts who can literally not manage that due to tight hamstrings and poor pike flexibility. Some gymnasts may be able to do more than 10 leg lifts but not be strong enough because they have good pike and hamstring flexibility but cannot maintain any tension. You can solve this by inserting tempos to Hanging Leg lifts like 5 seconds up, 2 seconds hold, 5 seconds done with holds at the L position or starting from there. Bare in mind there is no abdominal tension until the point at the end Range Of Motion of how high they lift their leg in a standing hip flexor leg raise. From a dead hang to that height, they are basically just engaging the lower back and hip flexor to lift. You can solve by having them start the HLL in a slight hollow hang.
I still strive for a 30 second L-sit. Probably asking a bit much, but it's what I ask for.
I would prefer 5 pullups and dips but I have had kids get a straight arm kip who could do neither. I am talking about a decent ok kip, not just a bent arm land on ribs mess. It's not necessary but preferable.