Parents Costs to participate in Xcel team?

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Proud Parent
May 19, 2023
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I know every gym is different, but in your experience, what are the costs for your daughter to be part of an Xcel team for the year? If you could list each expense and how much $ for each that would be much appreciated! Also what area you are from, however specific you are comfortable with.
Tuition is a bit over 400/month. Assessment (per year) is about 3k (covers meet and coaches fees, uniform, insurance, etc.). Choreography is in addition and varies. I live in the suburbs of a large city in a high cost of living area.
Ours varies with the level and hours but the average is $300/month for 5-9 hours - more or less depending where on that spectrum you fall.

Team fees are about $1500, slightly less for lower levels without a travel mete and slightly more for the rest. This includes leotards (regular comp leo and we do the charity choice meet and get a special tank leo for that one) and warm ups

1 minute or less floor routines cost $110, including learning them.

1:01-1:15 are $130

1:15-1:30 are $150

$30 annual club fee

This info was for the 21-22 season as I didn't coach last season so it has probably gone up a little bit should be close.
your best bet is to ask your own gym what the expenses are. If you are looking for comparibles, asking the gyms around you will give you the best answer. Gyms use xcel teams in different ways and that will affect the cost. If it is a separate program, it may be less expense for leos, comps, hours. But if they use it as a alternative to compulsory, then it is likely going to be more hours, higher leo costs, and more comp fees.
My daughter is in silver. 275 a month for 6 hours a week. We will have 4 meets. They estimated it could be between 125 to 400 at most for each meet. Last year they were all arpund 125. But she was in bronze and they considered bronze more for " fun" and to see if competition is something they'd like. The other cost which include 2 Leo's, jumpsuit and all other fees was sound 7 or 800. You then have the cost of travel and hotel fees.
My daughter was in Bronze, we paid $285/month for 4.5 hrs/wk (silver and up do 6 hrs/wk, for $315), plus registration fee of $75. Competition leotard was $160, warm-up jacket $65 (no pants or bags). Meet assessments were 3*$255. This included a first in-gym practice meet, three regular meets out of gym, one non-sanctioned meet with the other locations under our gym, and States. Most meets were within an hour away from us, and we only traveled and stayed out of town once when she had to be there early in the morning. We live in New England.
Thanks all, this was helpful! Definitely pricier than I expected. Can't imagine how bad the JO programs must be...
Depending on the gym, sometimes the costs are very similar to DP (formerly JO). For Gold, our Tuition for 13 hrs/wk is $210. Coaches fees 600 yearly, Comp Leo/Warmups about $400 every 2 years, each comp fee ranges from $90-150 depending on the meet. We do more meets than most, about 10 a year.
Gymnastics is expensive. Not because of gyms trying to squeeze money out of you, but because it’s expensive to run gyms.

We need very large facilities, with high ceilings and large Carparks.

The equipment is very expensive, classes need to stay small and the kids need to be in gym a lot of hours.
We pay the same for DP as we did for Xcel. As someone mentioned, depending on how gyms use Xcel (ours used it in place of compulsory) - costs can be similar/same.
My DD is XCEL Diamond, trains 16 hours per week in summer, 13.5 hours per week during the school year. Our fees are a little over $3000 for the year and travel is paid for by us. We keep the same leo for 2 years, warm ups don't change and gear like gym shoes/back pack don't change so unless you grow that's a one time purchase. Tuition is about $350 per month.
Monthly tuition is about $300 for 9 hours/wk.
Uniforms (leo, warmup, backpack) is about $300 for everything, about $120 for just the leo
Assessment (covers coaches fees, national congress, meets (not including states and regionals) and end of season celebration) came out to just over $1000. The girls do a practice meet, 4 full price meets ($115 each), a discounted home meet, and states/regionals.
Around March, when we all register for states, we pay for entry ($150 or so) and if you make regionals you pay another $150-$200 at states.

Our gym looks like it’s on the cheaper side. They have rec classes pay for most of the facilities in the gym.
Kingsport, TN. The competition Leo is like $600 and the coaches fees for 6 competitions are around $800 regardless if our athlete attends the meets or not. The monthly tuition is $350 per month. Just paid an equipment fee of $250 and a “warm up Leo” was $50. I’d say probably around $7-8000 when it’s all said and done.
I know every gym is different, but in your experience, what are the costs for your daughter to be part of an Xcel team for the year? If you could list each expense and how much $ for each that would be much appreciated! Also what area you are from, however specific you are comfortable with.

My gym is in the metropolitan Washington DC area. I have an xcel good gymnasts and we practice 12 hours a week. We pay $370 per month and competition Leo is about $600 every two years. Our costs may be lower than most bc we host 4 meets each season that they REQUIRE parents to volunteer for. This season I volunteered for over 80 hours as chair of our sales committee. On average our gym requires parents to do about 40-50 volunteer hours that they refer to as sessions. They say 17-18 sessions but they don’t tell you a session can last anywhere from 2-4 hours depending upon the number of participants.

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