WAG Crazy gymnast

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Proud Parent
Aug 28, 2009
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Just wanted to share and possibly see if any of you had/has the wild child and did they grow out of it.
My youngest DD wanted to try her hand at gymnastics. Fast forward 6 months she is now on level 2 team at gym, she is 5. It's a very interesting experience as she is so vastly different from my oldest DD. She is that kid that's wired 110 percent. She is like a fearless wild monkey.
So at the gym I am now the proud mother of both the kid who is extremely responsible, mild mannered, rule follower and the crazy wild child most frequently spotted either at the top of a climbing wall or rope or sitting in a time out (yet again). Sigh.
I can't vouch for having grown out of it completely, but I definitely have a wild child! She is like a little energizer bunny and fearless, too. She runs from one spot to the next and jumps up and down a LOT. I get tired just watching her. A year ago in rec, she was getting out of control. When the group was supposed to be watching the coach for directions, she would sneak off and go to bars by herself or dive roll from the top of really high stacked mats to the floor below. All of this happened behind the coach's back, so I was having a heart attack from behind the glass looking like a CGM because I was worried about my kid. It was flat out dangerous, and I had to take her out once or twice for the rest of the hour (my choice). Now that she has moved to pre-team she doesn't pull that crap anymore. She is still wild and fearless and has trouble stopping to watch for directions, but she isn't sneaking off or doing anything dangerous. I don't know really if that is the coaching change, the harder workouts, or just plain maturity, but I'll take it!! Hopefully in another year she'll have gotten even better control of herself. If you do a search for ADHD you will find similar stories. I'm not saying your DD has that, but the stories of other kids acting up will make you feel better. :)
My daughter is a wild child too she is four almost five and on the preteam now and that definitely settled her down a bit. She was everywhere and ran the show in her preschool classes. Now her coach will not put up with messing around and while she does take any opportunity she can to hurry up and do a cartwheel or crash onto a mat, she does listen to the coach and do what she is supposed to. She does her messing around while waiting for her turn. I think having the more strict coach and working on harder things is what has helped her.
Just wanted to share and possibly see if any of you had/has the wild child and did they grow out of it.
My youngest DD wanted to try her hand at gymnastics. Fast forward 6 months she is now on level 2 team at gym, she is 5. It's a very interesting experience as she is so vastly different from my oldest DD. She is that kid that's wired 110 percent. She is like a fearless wild monkey.
So at the gym I am now the proud mother of both the kid who is extremely responsible, mild mannered, rule follower and the crazy wild child most frequently spotted either at the top of a climbing wall or rope or sitting in a time out (yet again). Sigh.
Yes, that is us too. My middle one has two speeds: 0 and 100mph. She has no fear whatsoever (at least not yet!). It's been great in that she seems to have tons of potential and picks up skills fast, but not so great in that she's so fast moving that her body control (or lack of body control) holds her back. She has trouble with little details in the compulsory routines because she can't slooow down. Yes, the threads on ADHD are super helpful if you search for those. But on the bright side, this is improving with age (she's 7 now). And on the other end of the spectrum, my youngest is really quiet and focused and has pretty form and is on pre-team. I almost never post about her partly because she's still young but also because it's been pretty smooth sailing. I suspect she will have an easier time with the compulsory stuff. Good luck! :)
I have a wild child, but he doesn't do gymnastics. I do know how it typically goes though and they keep us on their toes, don't they?
My daughter is almost 10 but some of these posts remind me of her when she was younger. She got the time outs, talking too's, etc. She didn't start growing out of it until 2nd grade (7 yo) and was a different child in 3rd grade (8 yo). I remember the turning point at gymnastics was when she was in old level 4, and was moved temporarily from the practice group of the "more advanced" kids into another practice group, because she was distracting others. That broke her heart (her coach told her why). Never had an issue again in gym. In school, she decided she didn't want notes home anymore for talking in class. By mid-year 3rd grade we had no more notes coming home! Whew!
We got my DD started in a tot class at age 3 because she needed an outlet for her seemingly endless energy. We were impressed (and so were her coaches) from early on at how quickly she mastered things. She made the pre-team right before she turned 6, started competing as a young 7-year-old. She's now almost 11 and she has calmed down considerably but she is occasionally a loose cannon. ;) The great thing is that she is pretty fearless and she will try almost anything at the gym, which her coaches seem to love. She's moved along pretty quickly--she will be competing L8 in the coming season at age 11. :)
Mine settled right down in direct proportion to the number of conditioning hours... ;-)
I once was one of those crazy children! I even tried to bite my coach once but I have grown out of it. I think it was to about level 4 when I turned to a nice kid. I was scared over the older girls haha. But they will grow out of it
Mine being a little on the crazy/courageous/fearless side is what helped us decide to put her in gymnastics :)

I think a lot of it has to do with age. They mellow out as they get older.
Mine is one of the crazies training 15 hours a week and still has spent her day off from gym today doing about 3 hours of gymnastics I thought it was supposed to stop as her hours went up from what I've read in previous threads lol

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