I have a very vivid memory of my first huge invitational... again decades ago. It was a hugely rewarding trip, but had some definite quirky moments. We flew to Reno (this was Gold Dust Invite when Neil & Patty Resnik ran it in the convention center). I was definitely young probably 9 yrs old, because we stayed in a room with a parent chaparone and back then when you travelled it was pretty much with only the coaches. The coach's room was attached by a separate door to the older girls rooms (back then Class 1 & pre-elites), this an important fact for later.
The night before the meet we were in bed trying to fall asleep, about 9:30, the parent in our room started to smell some smoke. She called down to the front desk and next thing we know we hear shouting.... "Hey Joe is that a fire!" Two floors directly beneath us the Mgr's Apt was on fire. So we gather up the important stuff, competition gear, leos, lucky stuffed animal, threw our jackets on over our PJ's, put our snow boots on (it was January) and headed to evacuate, ultimately ending up in the lobby of the motel next door.
Meanwhile the coach got the evacuation phone call and rushed into the older girls rooms (we are talking maybe 12 - 13 yr olds), well seems they had turned their heat on too high and it was really hot in there and they were in bed with just their skivies on, the coach was so embarrassed to have to rouse those girls out of bed (needless to say there was a PJ policy from then on). Those girls didn't get a chance to grab their competition stuff since they had spread out in the room and had to have a parent get it when all was clear in the morning.
So there we were in downtown Reno a bunch of young girls and a handful of adults walking two blocks to the nearest hotel that could put us up for the rest of the trip. There was plenty of jearing from passing cars, cat calls, etc. all in PJ's and snow gear. The funniest part... the motel was called "THE FIRESIDE INN"!!!
Wait there's more!!!! The new hotel was one of the high rises and I have a distinct memory of one of my friends chewing a big wad of purple bubble gum and then throwing it out the window. It hit a big greyhound bus. Of course we thought that was just hilarious!!! Well after the meet we went to visit the grandparent of that same friend who had a resort up in Lake Tahoe and on the drive up we passed a greyhound bus and it had a big wad of purple gum stuck to it. Of course we just rolled with laughter!!!