Have you tried being very explicit on what you will do? For example, when my dd was about 4 or so, on developmental team, for a while I would have to drop her off, and then bring her brother to swimming lessons, and come back at the end. So I'd say, "Ok, we are going to come in and watch you for your stretches, then I'm going to take your brother to swimming, and I will be back to watch you for the last 10 minutes." Could you try something like that? Say, mommy is going to stay and watch you warm up, and do your first event, but then I have to run to the store and pick something up. I will be back for the last 15 minutes to watch you. I'd even be tempted to bribe a bit, like, I have to do some grocery shopping, but if I come back and you have worked hard without tears, maybe there will be a little special treat in the bag! I know some parents don't like to bribe, but from time to time I will use it a little (meaning, maybe we can split a milkshake after practice if you work hard, or maybe we can get in-n-out burger after practice if you've been a great listener, etc... not something big or expensive). I haven't really ever dealt with the tears though, as my dd pretty much would trade in her ole mom for any coach, friend, grammie, or auntie, lol.