Parents Dance Moms - Slightly Off Topic

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My DD (11) made the switch back in December from gymnastics (level 8) to competitive dance. This show was very interesting to watch, but we have yet to experience this behavior in the studio. I think it was scripted to bring more attention to the show. There are definitely crazy moms in any sport. We had more of them at the gym.... so far :)
Oki saw the next episode tonight !!!!! Shocked is all I can say - this dance teacher really needs a clue. 9yo don't need to look like street walkers and dance like strippers!! What are these mom's thinking?? Honestly If I had reservations on everything these moms did I would have pulled my DD from that awful dance. And the pettyness of the mom's with each other - OMG is all I can say.
I've said it before Its like watching a horrible train wreck. It's so awful to see but you can't stop looing at it either.
So apparently word in the 'dance world' is that Abby used the same routine as last week except different music and costumes and the Producers suggested she add the ****ty moves for ratings/drama.
Well I'm sure it adds drama but honestly doesn't this gal have any moral center? Is being on TV that important that she would go along with that for 9yo girls. Are the parents looking so much for their kids to be discovered on TV that they will allow their children and themselves to be used in that way and treated so disrespectfully? All I can say is what is wrong with these people? sorry but honestly I'm not saying these girls can't dance but the odds of these girls going on to be the next big thing is about the same (maybe a little better because there is more opportunity) as any of our girls becoming the next Nastia at the Olympics. These mom's need to stop living through their kids and let their kids do this because it's fun not because they have been made to do it. Not because they are "afraid" of the teacher (never a good thing) - It should be a place to go that they LOVE and have FUN at. And Oh for me and my kids SHCOOL WORK comes before all extra activities so my DD wouldn't have been at the gym for 8 hours with homework sitting at home still waiting to be done.

Ok off my soap box and passing it to the next person.
I saw that episode as well and was appalled!!! I was glad that the "Electricity" routine did NOT place (and was probably disqualified). It seems like the producers are trying to ride on the drama of the "Single Ladies" girls from last year. They are a group of young dancers fro Cali that got their infamous notoriety from the "My Boyfriend's Back" dance routine when they were 6 years old. There was a lot of media attention on their innappropriate costumes and dance moves. They got a LOT of bad press from this. They were at Precisions Dance when they did these two very risque routines, but now they have moved to a different studio. The girls were recently on that Paula Abdul dance show called "Live to Dance" but unfortunately did not move on to the live shows. I think the producers of Dance Moms wants to relive this drama by continueing this type of controversy on their show.

And "painting on abs"...on 9 YO's????? OMG--totally ridiculous!!!

I HATE the idea that they are causing the rivalry between Maddy and Chloe. BOTH girls are amazing dancers in their own ways and should NOT be constantly compared. I think Chloe was the one who said that she gets very upset at the constant comparisons and they both should get credit and applauded for their individuality. VERY smart, humble and gracious girl!!!

Oh, and when I heard that Maddy danced 7 days a week and didn't get home till 11:45pm, I was like WHAT???? When do you do homework and just chill out as a kid???? The sad thing about it is that she will end up burning out or getting injured and Chloe will pass her by. Karma is a *****!!!
So here's the scoop... (gotta love "reality" drama). Maddy and Chloe weren't even competing against each other at that competition. What they didn't show was that in the Jr. Solo Division, which Chloe was in, she won for her dance too. Maddy was in the petite division. Maddy just happened to also win like a "supreme" title, to steal from the pageant world and Chloe didn't get the supreme title in her division. Both girls are amazing dancers.

That aside though, and don't shoot me, but I didn't really think the costumes were all that bad. I thought it was more the dance that made it inappropriate. That leg split and the booty smaking are like the token stripper moves. I think had the dance been more age appropriate, the costumes wouldn't have been such an issue.
I enjoyed the second show and it was even less potentially "reality" than the first. I am convinced that Vivianne's mom is an actress on script. If I found out they all were, it wouldn't surprise me.
Cathy (Vivi-Anne's mom) is like the comic relief of the show. You can kind of tell that she was used for the show just to urk and ruffle the feathers of the other moms. What dance teacher that owns her own studio would drive their kid 2 1/2 hours to take lessons at another studio???? I do like Cathy's "character" on the show--she is funny and very quirky!! It is just too ridiculous to be "reality". It does create for some wonderful drama though!!
I love this train wreck and can't wait for the next episode. I would never have known about the show if I hadn't read about it here. Just another reason to love Chalk Bucket.
So I watched this show for the first time last night and watched another episode tonight. All I can say Seriously catty moms. I felt really bad for the girl tonight with the hip injury who only wanted to go to the mall and to parties with her friends (although she's 13 and I'm curious what kind of "parties" her friends are throwing ;)). It will be my dirty little secret show. I have to DVR Toddler's and Tiara's now. I can't decide which mom's are crazier. Hopefully these moms are scripted though. All I can think is if you and your daughter are that miserable... quit!
A lot of it IS scripted...I heard tell from some moms that were at those comps when they were filming...and they said they actually saw them "rehearsing" AND of course they edit it to make everyone look bad. How about that Cathi??? She's a piece of work, lol. However,( having grown up in the competitive dance world and knowing that it is NOTHING like they portray it) I can't stop watching...I guess I loves me a good train wreck!!! lol
The part I find most shocking is the one mom is a Principal at a private school in Pittsburgh. You'd think she wouldn't want to be seen in this light. Embarrassing! I am surprised the school is OK with it.
I watched this show for the first time last night. It was crazy! I was really disgusted to see the one mom talking about her daughter with the injury saying that she just "need to push through the pain". This is not an attitude you want to instill in a young athlete. She's going to really end up hurting herself. I'll probably watch it again just because it is interesting.
My daughter is on a competitive dance team, just started last season. We totally do not have the drama like the show does. As others have stated it's probably scripted and edited to the max for TV. We only do 1 competition a month, sometimes 2, during the season. Definitely not every weekend. It was an interesting show though...
So, I was at a team parent meeting for my older DD's dance studio...and we ended up discussing "dance moms" for quite awhile. I was the only one who had not seen it but I had read about it here on the CB! Guess I need to go check it out! It is on SO late here though! :(
OH GOD - the train wreck gets worse and worse every week! This show will make it on shock factor alone. I know it's awful but I have to say I'm hooked to see what inapropriate drama is going to happen. Those moms!!! How two faced they are to each other. And I know we all know that ViVi Anne didn't "accidently" plug her mom and her mom's studio, but then Abby did say she didn't want her name attached to a dance she didn't give the girl either. And what mom (dance teacher or not) would have her girl not do the dance given and have DD do a different routine? SOOOOOO SCRIPTED!! Can you imagine if our kids showed up for a comp with a floor routine we made up LOL
That whole thing with Vivianne didn't make much sense. I'm not sure why she would allow that. There was one other inconsistency that popped up for me ... but I can't remember.

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