I know you are ready to walk away from this thread, OP, so maybe you'll never see this. I want to send you both positive wishes and vibes. It's a tough situation.
I can understand and empathize with many of the feelings and thoughts expressed in this thread. Perhaps it will help to consider:
So many girls fall in love with this sport. It's a tough first love. Even those who rise to the highest levels are often left falling short of their dreams.
I think on all the families I know and the adults I met who were competitive gymnasts. Many of them left before they were ready. For some it was injury. For a few it was financial. For some it was mental blocks or emotional challenges. A few had serious health concerns. Some had serious family emergencies that changed everything. Some had abusive coaches and reluctantly walked away from something they loved. There are a lot of sad reasons to leave the sport as an athlete. My greatest hope for my DD is that, when she leaves.. and they all leave eventually.. that it will be her
choice, not one put on her by circumstances.
I can understand how frustrating and hurtful this is for you. You lost a dream (People can argue it wasn't yours to lose, but dreams are funny things and don't play by the rules. This was just a dream that was out of your control.), but you haven't lost her yet. Yes, she may not want to talk about gymnastics with you right now, and that is 100% ok. She lived and breathed it for so long, who can blame her? She needs time to focus on her new life and goals and dreams. If you can put aside your dreams
for her, what fun to see what dreams may come.. and who knows, the shared interest might return some day. For now, I would highly recommend that you not look at anything around level 10 or anything she might have been doing if she'd continued. I would take a long break from checking on her teammates. I'd take a break from all of it for
at least a few months. Find things you want to do
for you. And don't return to the sport unless or until you can think of it from the standpoint of a spectator and as something you guys used to do, not something you wish you were still doing. Until then, if you need to, remind yourself that your girl was and is awesome
and fortunate. She walked away because she
wanted to, not because she
had to. She was beautiful, talented, and made some great memories.. And when she left it was
on her own terms. What a wonderful, wonderful thing.
And don't worry about the size of the university. Everyone has it rough in that first semester. (I went to a small school and still felt that way for a while!) With time, she'll make friends and enjoy the variety and diversity of her larger school.
Good luck to her as she takes all these lessons she's learned and heads out to explore the world. Good luck to you too. Go find something fun and interesting to explore yourself.