Moderator/Proud Parent
- Aug 25, 2007
- 2,841
- 371
So, on the way home from picking my dd up at the school bus she drops a bomb
" I want to quit gymnastics and do soccer"

Keep in mind this is the same girl that had to be carried out of practice (at a minimum of 30 min after it ended ) every day last week ( and that is how it is most weeks ). Told her coach last week she wanted to practice cast handstands, and did. Thought they were awesome. Same kid who got her mill circle after months of trying on Thursday. Same kid who LOVES to help the coaches by demonstrating things to the rec. kids.
She told a couple of mom's at the gym - their response was "you're joking?" " who put that in her head?" and in private " is it $?"
By last night she was saying she wanted to do both, but maybe only because I gave her a good talking to because she was blabbing it to other kids in her group and parents but would not tell coach. I told her if she wasn't going to tell coach she wasn't to tell anyone because of coach hears it from someone else first her feelings will be hurt. She then went back and told all her friends she was not quiting that she would do both.
I did talk to a couple of parents to make sure that I am not an idiot who just THINKS my daughter is having fun
. They said that they could not believe it came out of her mouth, of all the kids she is the one they least expected would even think of quiting.
Any idea of what I should do. I did tell her she cannot quit until after the final meet and recital because her teammates are counting on her, but after that if she wants to she can. I looked up soccer today and it is not until fall, so we should be ok for a while.
It just came out of nowhere. I even had to pull her out of the gym last night, even after she has said she wants to quit, she won't leave.
HELP !!!!!!!!!!
" I want to quit gymnastics and do soccer"

Keep in mind this is the same girl that had to be carried out of practice (at a minimum of 30 min after it ended ) every day last week ( and that is how it is most weeks ). Told her coach last week she wanted to practice cast handstands, and did. Thought they were awesome. Same kid who got her mill circle after months of trying on Thursday. Same kid who LOVES to help the coaches by demonstrating things to the rec. kids.
She told a couple of mom's at the gym - their response was "you're joking?" " who put that in her head?" and in private " is it $?"
By last night she was saying she wanted to do both, but maybe only because I gave her a good talking to because she was blabbing it to other kids in her group and parents but would not tell coach. I told her if she wasn't going to tell coach she wasn't to tell anyone because of coach hears it from someone else first her feelings will be hurt. She then went back and told all her friends she was not quiting that she would do both.
I did talk to a couple of parents to make sure that I am not an idiot who just THINKS my daughter is having fun

Any idea of what I should do. I did tell her she cannot quit until after the final meet and recital because her teammates are counting on her, but after that if she wants to she can. I looked up soccer today and it is not until fall, so we should be ok for a while.
It just came out of nowhere. I even had to pull her out of the gym last night, even after she has said she wants to quit, she won't leave.
HELP !!!!!!!!!!