Parents DD got her RO BHS today!

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Proud Parent
Proud Parent
She has been working on them for about 2 weeks, but then they had Christmas Break and on her first day back, she finally started connecting them. Before it was RO hop BHS. She still needs a spot, but she was so proud.

Her coach is now thinking of moving her to team in March. That is soo soon. Though she did say she can do less time (either 2 days a week for the whole time or the 3 days and leave early-which I assume wouldn't work, how do you pull a kid away when the rest stay???) since she is so young. II guess it will give her more time to work on L4 routine stuff since their first meet is in September and she turns 6 in July.

Freaks me out, but glad they are flexible. I am thinking of having her go 2 days a week (so 7 hours) for the first month and then she can add the third day, which is a 4 hour practice if she is ready or maybe just keep her like that till summer. I am sure if she finds out her friends go all 3 days, I will hear it to no end though. Yikes.

Some poor video of it... She did a few more that got better and better, but my toddler wasn't cooperating. ;)
Yay!! It's such an exciting skill to get. Chelsea was THRILLED when she did it for the first time!!!
That is fantastic, it is the first big skill the girls get on the floor. Your daughter must be very talented, only a very small number of gymnasts achieve their round off back handspring at the age of 5!

It sounds like she'll be ok with the training program. If she is one of those kids who just loves gym, gets excited when she knows its a gym day, begs you to be allowed to train as much as possible then she should cope fine. If this is the way she is, you knows she is happy and enjoying her training and is not at risk of burn out.
Cute vid! Tx for sharing:D

4 hours can be a little intimidating for little ones at first, so just monitor... Aussie_coach gave fantastic advice to follow - good luck to your little one!
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she is definitely one that loves to be in the gym and hates to leave. my DD is very talkative and open about her feelings and i always ask how things are going. plus, she wears her heart on her sleeve (so to speak) and i can always tell when she is not happy.

i will play it by ear on the practices. they practice MW 4pm-7:15pm and F 4pm-8pm which is why I was thinking of letting her go MWs at first. One of the other girls in her class was moved up in December and she is still going 2 days a week. They seem to be flexible about it. That relieves me. I hate to hold her back, but I also think that the jump from 3 hours a week to 11 is crazy.

she was so thrilled about getting it connected. her friend had done it the last time they had practice before break and i think she was determined to get it as well. though i stress to her that she is only in competition with herself, not the other girls, that they are all different and learn things differently. she must be getting it because she also will tell you that it doesn't matter if you win trophies, just that you do your best. :D (she had said a few times before that she didn't want to move to team because she was worried if she didn't win trophies.)
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