A comment on a thread, whom I think the individual was referencing me because it said something about a post of "dd wanting to go elite, poor parent, and not mentioning", made me search through the forum to find my post, and read a good amount of the comments on here; again. There's a mom who posted about her young child doing a ROBHSBT I believe and had a question or wanting feedback, and she's new to CB and she too felt like she got some not so friendly responses. I'm certain most of you mean well, but as a newcomer at the time of my post, it came across as such. Some was perception on my part. But it's hard to read one's tone through these things. But I took from this post what I did (valuable, caring, concerned) info.
Fast forward almost two months from originally posting this, DD still has those aspirations. And if it's meant to be, it'll be. But I've encouraged her to take more current/present steps w/ her goals (scoring another high AA score, moving to a higher level, training hard, staying motivated), so on and so forth. I took @
gymdog's advice, and she's taking a ballet class (the owner of the facility is a former dancer & dd's instructor & has a daughter or niece who does gymnastics. So she knows what to work on w/ DD)

As of recently, DD's coach plan is to have her score out of L4 and L5. She's currently learning L6 skills (I'm at work while she's at practice, so I'm never able to get video footage of the skills.) And I mentioned on another thread she's learning flyaways and she's a little scared. But she's done it before during the Christmas party at the gym last year. So I have no clue where this fear came from

But we (parents) will know individually & formally, the plans in June. And maybe the official placement won't happen until August or September

So I'm coasting and enjoying the ride and what I'm learning, on and off CB!!!
Anyway, I just wanted to comment/follow-up on this extra juicy forum I generated. Man o man, if only I got a warning of what was to come
