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Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
So we had another meet yesterday and my DD couldn't make a full routine in her practice on bars ( I found out later the Velcro on her grips kept opening) She ran over to someones bag for thick rubber bands to wrap around the grips. Anyway, she got through the routine ok but then her score never came up. Don't you hate that? Then onto beam where she fell every time on her series. I was thinking this was not going to be a good day. But then she pulled it out. The coaches had changed her routine around and took out a lot of extra elements out which she didn't need. Then onto floor where she competed her full and got her highest score ever . Vault was ... same ol vault - good score. She ended up with a 37.125AA! She has never.... in her any level... gotten a 37. So what do I know! Here is her video. She says she's quitting at the end of the season for cheer leading.:( I will miss it, but I guess that new car I can afford now should help ease the pain!!:) LOL
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nice job!! loved her floor routine. what kind of car do you want to get? LOL.
Awesome job:) congratulations on her great meet and she looked awesome on the video.
I bet she was happy with her personal best:)
My dd was happy. She never looked at any of her scores throughout the whole meet. All the girls decided to do this. She was surprised to get her first 37. BTW Melmonet I saw your dd on Youtube. She is very similar in her lines to my dd when she was level 4. She did level 4 at age 8. This is her second year at 7. She was without a gym this summer since her gym folded after the coach quit to open his own gym and all the girls went with him. We had a temp gym for conditioning but not the same. She has been trying to get her 8 skills. I am hoping the coach will move her up before the season ends but she still doesn't have her Tsuk vault and she doesn't have her 2 salto pass of front layout front tuck. Her goal was to go to regionals as an 8. I don't know if she will get there. We have a buy to regionals since there are only 4 level 8 girls currently in the state and we could send up to 6 per age group. (That is good and bad - another reason to not move up if your not scoring high since buy to Regionals might me embarrassing to the coaches since this is a meet where it is the best of the best.)

Oh & I would like a BMW, But I will take anything that is new and not a van. I've had 3 vans for the past 12 years so I am ready to have a car again!:o
Wow,she looked the way I have a van and love it.My DD just moved up to Level 8 after competing two Level 7 meets.It was also her second year of Level 7.
Good Luck,keep up the good work and keep trying for those Level 8 skills.

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