Parents DD State Meet this weekend!

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Jan 2, 2008
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My DD has her level 6 state meet this weekend and she is very nervous. She keeps saying there is a lot of pressure on me because there are very few 8-9 yr olds in the state. We have competed with several of them before and she has gotten higher scores a few times higher than they got. She really wants to do well but is not confident with herself rite now. I am worried she wont do as well with her feeling this way. Can anyone give me a few words of advice for her?:confused: I keep telling her positive things but you know how kids can be!
Try to take the pressure off as much as you can. Even though they call it "state," remind her that it's just a meet and everybody has some good ones and some bad ones.

Another tactic we've tried with dd1, our Nervous Nellie - so, what's the worst that can happen? You biff it on every event and come in last? So what? Win, lose, or draw, I'm still you're biggest fan.

Finally, you could try telling her to use some positive self talk. I WILL make my BWO on beam with straight legs.
We will see you there. My girls are excited about this meet. Just try to make it as fun as possible. I think there are 12 girls in the 8 and 9 year old group and there is some tough competition. I just tell my girls to do their best and have fun.

Jessica has had a problem with swelling and pain to her calf and knee for four weeks and has not practiced that much before this week. She has had a MRI of her knee and today has one of her lower leg. No one seems to know what is wrong. Her ortho finally let her start vaulting and tumbling this week since she really wanted to do all events. She still has the swelling but the pain is a lot better. I am just happy that she is going to be able to compete because she want to so bad.
We will see you there. My girls are excited about this meet. Just try to make it as fun as possible. I think there are 12 girls in the 8 and 9 year old group and there is some tough competition. I just tell my girls to do their best and have fun.

Jessica has had a problem with swelling and pain to her calf and knee for four weeks and has not practiced that much before this week. She has had a MRI of her knee and today has one of her lower leg. No one seems to know what is wrong. Her ortho finally let her start vaulting and tumbling this week since she really wanted to do all events. She still has the swelling but the pain is a lot better. I am just happy that she is going to be able to compete because she want to so bad.
I am sorry to hear about Jessicas injury. They work so hard all year and then something like that happens. One of the girls from our gym had that same problem and she is 7 nobody knew, she finally went to sports Dr. Larry (Dr for States & regionals in MI) and he said that it is because her bones grew faster than other parts of her knee and it is rubbing causing swelling and pain, she just takes it easy and is getting better after 3 months. I know that there are some good gymnast gonna be there! Jasmine has competed with lots of them. She has never been nervous or stressed until now. I think she is afraid she wont do good enough on anything to even place. She has been having major problem on bars for last 3 meets now, but practices are good! See you there!
Good luck to both of your girls. I'll be thinking of them, cool to be at the same meet.:D

I feel for you on the injury front, it is very hard on them to want to train, especially with states coming up.
Best wishes to both girls and hope Jessica feels up to doing all 4 events. In a few days she can take it easy, which may be the only cure.

I tell my gymmie not to even think about the other girls that might or might not be there---she can't do anything about them anyway. The only thing she can control is her own routines. Just do them like this is a practice in her own gym. And yes---mom and dad will love her no matter where she places!
My dd was really nervous this year about her level 6 meet as well. She was in a really tough age group. My advice to her was to just have fun and go out there and do what she loves to do - gymnastics. Actually I took it a step further - I threatened her that if at any time she looked like she was not having fun (even if she fell on beam, bars, etc) I would stand up on top of the bleachers and start singing. Anyone who has ever heard me sing knows how much of a threat that really is (of course I would never really do that - but she didn't know that). Every time she looked over at me she put a big cheesy smile on and started laughing. Anyway - end result- she had a blast and ended up having her best meet of the season by far. I think when they take the pressure off themselves and just let themselves have fun, they naturally do better anyway.

Good luck to your dd - I'm sure she will do good - and also remind her what an accomplishment she has already made making it to level 6 at such a young age.
Thanks for all the well wishes and advice! I told her coach the things she had said about the meet and she had a talk with her tonite about it. I think she feels better about it, and I am going to tell her the singing at the meet and she wont like me doing that so...Thanks again!:D
good luck to your girls. no advice though as i am always nervous when i perform and my DD hasn't competed yet.
Good Luck at State to your dd and I hope both of you can relax as much as you can. I think nerves are worse for parents because we don't get to get out there and compete to used the adrenaline that you get from the nerves. I can't wait to hear the results and I am sure she will do awesome:)
Good Luck again:)
We will see you there. My girls are excited about this meet. Just try to make it as fun as possible. I think there are 12 girls in the 8 and 9 year old group and there is some tough competition. I just tell my girls to do their best and have fun.

Jessica has had a problem with swelling and pain to her calf and knee for four weeks and has not practiced that much before this week. She has had a MRI of her knee and today has one of her lower leg. No one seems to know what is wrong. Her ortho finally let her start vaulting and tumbling this week since she really wanted to do all events. She still has the swelling but the pain is a lot better. I am just happy that she is going to be able to compete because she want to so bad.
How did Jessica's MRI go?
Thanks for asking. It went fine. We didn't find out that she needed contrast with it until we were there. I thought she would freak out about the IV but she did great. She has never had one before but she just sat there and didn't even flinch. We won't find out anything until Wed.

I'm happy to hear that Jasmine is not so worried about this meet. We can both sing from the stands. ;)
Good luck to both of your dds! Tell them that the good thing about being in the youngest age group is that their chances are really good of bringing home a medal! I hope they both have great meets!


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