Parents DD's Sectional Meet Results - We qualified for States!

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Granny Smith

Proud Parent
Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
DD just competed in the first Level 7 Sectional.

She did great! She is so proud of herself (I am too!) Her age group had 18 girls.

Vault - 8.7 no place (but her score was much higher than her last meet, so this is encouraging!)
Bars - 9.35 1st place (she rocked. She had the best score of all the girls in her session - probably about 40 girls total)
Beam - 9.05 2nd place (she took a step on her landing and that cost her 1st - but who's complaining - she'll get it next time)
Floor - 9.275 3rd place (overall good routine. passes were high, but she didn't stick landings. couple of steps here/there probably about .3 worth)
AA - 36.275 2nd place (her teammate got 1st - our gym dominated the podium for dd's age group it was so nice to see.)

She knows what she needs to do correction-wise and they were back in the gym yesterday. I noticed that dismounting off the beam was a big drill for them yesterday too.

I can't believe her scores so early in the season! This is only her 2nd meet as a Level 7 and now we can enjoy the season because she is qualified for States (she needed a 32 AA to qualify). Until January the meets are just for fun! We do have our next meet in 3 weeks - Pumpkin Cup. The girls love this meet and I can't wait to watch their opening skit. Each gym performs a skit before the meet and they are judged (not like a real thing) and the winner gets to have a judge in their gym for the day. This yr our girls are doing their skit to Thriller - Michael Jackson. It's perfect because they had learned the dance over summer training so they just have to freshen up, not really take time away from regular training to come up with something.

Blackie6 - if you're reading this you better not tell your Level 7s if your gym has any going! ha-ha-ha....
G Smith ~ congrats to dd! :applause: Glad to hear she did so well! My dd had her first unofficial mock meet this weekend. She finally got her mill circle and her shoot through. She's very closed to that elusive front hip circle, too!

Congrats to you and your girls. Sounds like you have a promising season going already! :)
Granny Smith,
LOL, mum's the word your secret is safe with me. I hope I get to see it, sounds awesome...I may not if I am with the L4's though. Our L4 team is just throwing something together, they were not going to do this one, it was a last minute add-on.

Sounds like your daughter did great! I am sure she must be happy knowing that she has qualified already. Our L7's just competed this weekend HOH I think. Were you there? A bunch also qualified & we have a really good L7 who is 8 yrs old! Go figure, and my 6 year old can barely do a ROBHS. If you were there, our gym would be the one with the brand new leo's falling apart. Not kidding, word is going around that seams were busting WIDE open while the girls were in warm-ups.
CONGRATS to your DD too Nettie!!!!!

My daughter seems to have those skills at practice, but at the first meet could not do it without help. I hope the next time will go better for us, she needs a confidence boost not a butt boost on the mill circle, LOL!
Congratulations to all of your daughters!
Granny- what a great way to start out the season, it seems as if your daughter is well prepared for a great season. Would love to see a video of their Thriller routine sounds like a fun meet and what a great way to take the stress off the competition.

Blackie- Many gymnasts do skills at practice and then when the pressure of the meets hits its a whole different story. Confidence will grow through the meets and she will get those skills for the both practice and meets. Good luck with the rest of the season.
Thanks Audra,

What you are saying makes a lot of sense!
She's only had the one meet so far, I just wish we didn't feel the pressure of having to "catch" up to the rest of the team that qualified and are going to sectionals already. In my mind I keep telling myself (and her) that she was asked to do the same skills other girls who have been there longer & are older, so next year will be better!!! And, that she has the opportunity to go to meets this year as a 6yr old L4. That in itself is a great chance to get used to meets. We had a L4 team last year but they did not compete so most of this this team has been been beyond ready for over a year and they are good. Our day will come I am sure.
Granny Smith,
If you were there, our gym would be the one with the brand new leo's falling apart. Not kidding, word is going around that seams were busting WIDE open while the girls were in warm-ups.

Oh, no! Can I ask what company they were from? We started a new team and ordered leos a year ago from a major company (starts with a "G...") and had some seam issues, but also warmups that were way different than the sizing ones. They wouldn't do a thing about it the warmups, although they did fix the leos with the split seams. Our coach left that gym and about 90% of the team followed her to her new gym and we have another new team and are waiting on new leos to arrive from Satara. So far, their customer service has been amazing AND our leos are coming in two weeks ahead of schedule.


Yup, the leos were from the the "G" company and we also had the SAME problems with the warm-ups. We had to use our team workout leo for our first meet, and looked sooooo underdressed, LOL! Maybe using something else for the second one too if this doesn't get solved pronto.
G Smith ~ congrats to dd! :applause: Glad to hear she did so well! My dd had her first unofficial mock meet this weekend. She finally got her mill circle and her shoot through. She's very closed to that elusive front hip circle, too!

Congrats to you and your girls. Sounds like you have a promising season going already! :)

Oh the mill circle! Just think once she is past L4 she will never have to do a mill circle again!

Thanks and good luck to your dd too!

You've peaked my interest - you must be considered a South gym if your girls were at the HOH Sectional, I would what gym you are with, hummm. Yes we were at HOH, but we were the 3rd session of the day (L7), I am guessing that your gym was probably at the 1st session. I personally would have rather been in the first session. I thought the gyms in the 1st session would have been more competitive, plus it would have been earlier in the day. We didn't get home until 10:30pm and dd actually had school and gym on Monday. Also there was an injury during the warm up of the 3rd rotation that stopped the meet for about 35 minutes while the EMTs came and a girl was immobilized and taken away on a stretcher.

The thing about splitting seams with the comp leo - that happened to our team 2 yrs ago, but it wasn't the G brand it was something else. We had to have our leos sent back to the company and they did a double reinforced seam which seemed to do the trick.

Our leos last yr were the G brand and they were the foil type. Well after one washing the leos had a tarnished look to them and the older girls who wore deodorant had that tarnished look under their arms. It was a nightmare. The company ended up sending us all new leos, but a different fabric. The leos were not as nice.

This yr we have Adidas which essentially is the G and so far so good, but I am so afraid to wash it after last yrs nightmares.
GrannyS--congrats to your dd! We have to wait til Jan to start competing, so a few more months of skills and finally putting routines together. Great scores for her 2nd meet!! Looks like she'll be ready for L8 next year. Here, we don't do sectionals---just have to hit the state meet qualifying score at a sanctioned in state meet. For Levels 4-7 its 33 AA and for L8-10, its 32.

As to the discussion on the leos from G. Yes, our old gym got new leos from them last year and we had 3 rip under the arm. The problem was their idea of a seam was about 1mm of fabric pulled together. They couldn't fix them once they ripped and had to send new ones. As for warm ups we did notice a difference in the length of pants etc in the same size. One kid's CM would have the length of almost a CL and someone else's would fit like a CS.

Additional congrats to all the other dds out there who are competing. Seems weird to have the fall "off" now.
GrannyS--congrats to your dd! We have to wait til Jan to start competing, so a few more months of skills and finally putting routines together. Great scores for her 2nd meet!! Looks like she'll be ready for L8 next year. Here, we don't do sectionals---just have to hit the state meet qualifying score at a sanctioned in state meet. For Levels 4-7 its 33 AA and for L8-10, its 32.

Thanks GLM. Well, we are here in NJ and the way the competition seasons run are Levels 4, 6 & 7 are in fall with States in Jan. Levels 5, 8, 9 & 10 are in the Spring with States in May.

Dd will definitely be ready for L8 but I don't think that her gym will let her do it this Spring. Last yr they had some 2nd yr 7s that did 3 meets, the Invitational to qualify to Sectional and 1 Sectional to qualify for States and then States. They all went immediately to L8 in the Spring. The coaches said it was too much, so I will doubt that they would do that again. So I am thinking that she will basically train for a yr and then compete L8 the following yr.

Our gym really doesn't compete a lot of meets. This yr as a L7 if we compete 6 meets (including (3) Sectionals & States) that is about the average for what our gym does. We don't really travel or anything.

When you get to L8 - L10, then the travelling begins, where it seems that you don't do any meets in NJ except for States. So, although my dd would love to go straight to L8 this yr, I don't think it will happen. We will sit back and enjoy training and I will save my money for next yr.

Funny thing is for as little meets that we do, compared with most other gyms around, we are a very reputable gym. We don't compete a lot, but when we do come to a meet, our girls usually do really well.

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