Parents Did you get your Fall Schedule yet?

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No meet schedule for us yet, but then optionals don't start competing til Jan. I figure once they have skills testing and then partial routine evals in early Oct., we'll be told. The L7s go to 1 out of state meet and L8s and up go to 2.

The compulsory teams have their schedule---their 1st meet is in 3 weeks. And guess who's hosting it?? Us. We got a lousy draw for weekends at the state meeting and ended up with the 1st competitive weekend for compulsory meets.
We finally got our fall schedule last week! DD will go...
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri - 4:30-8:30
and Saturday - 7:30-11:30
7:30 on a Saturday morning - yikes :eek:

Since my gymmie doesn't start competing until January we don't have the finalized schedule for that yet. I'm pretty sure they said it will be 7 meets plus states though. I'm still pushing for that Cayman Islands one :hyper:
I'm trying to convince our coaches to sign up our optionals for a meet in the cayman islands - a few cocktails on the beach before watching the meet would make me much less nervous watching :D
Cayman Islands sounds fun! We had a meet in Reno NV, once, in a big hotel-casino. The meet was actually held in one of the large meeting/conference rooms. Some parents walked across the hall and got margaritas from the bar & came back in to watch.

Personally, we waited until after the meet for out 'treat', but I was cracking up at how weird if felt to see alcohol at a gym-meet after so many meets spent drinking coffee & soda! Of course alcohol always brings the potential for things to get out of hand, but everyone was pretty mellow.
Practice schedule will be: M-F; 3:30-6:30.

Fall Meets:

Sept: Aloha Judges Cup/Tampa

Oct: Celebrate America/West Palm Beach; Gold Rush/Lantana; Halloween Madness/Weston

Nov: Harvest Challenge/Stuart

Dec: L6 States/Coral Springs (We hope :)!)

Winter/Spring Meets (Prep-Opt):

Jan: NAWGJ Nat'l Judge's Cup/Kissimmee; Cruise Classic/Cooper City

Feb: Palm Beach Invite/West Palm OUR MEET---come and join us! See link below!

:cool: Link Removed :cool:

Mar: Arabian Nights/West Palm

Apr: Prep-Op States/Tampa (We hope :p!)

Going to be busy, but so far DD is really pumped about it all. We may opt-out of one or two Prep-Opt meets just to lighten the load a bit. We are also lucky b/c the HC understands if dd need to miss some practices due to school or what have you. They want the girls top have a balanced life! ;)
Our Fall schedule is tentative right now but I hope it sticks:

Tues 5-8:30pm
Thurs 5-8:30pm
Sat 12:30-4

We used to start at 4:30 (end at 8pm) and it made it hard to race home from school, get homework done and p/up cousin to bring both to the gym. That extra half hour will make a difference. Now that DD is a little older she will be fine going til 8:30pm

After Jan she will be L5 so I am sure the hours will increase, but we are in no hurry. Secretly I hope that her hours won't change til June since she won't have to do L5 meets right after the L4 ones end.

We usually do pretty local invitationals. There is a rumor that our L4's may be joining our upper levels at the X-mas on the Chesapeak in MD (Dec) and it is on our schedule but not comfirmed yet. Also we go up to Northern NJ for a Greater NY Invitational (Dec) which was my DD's best meet of last year so yeah can't wait for that one! And this year our gym is hosting a meet over New Years weekend called the Classic For The Cure (Jan)

Right now my schedule shows 11 meets but 3 of them are sectionals so we may only do 1 of them if DD qualify's right away which she did last year, one is our gym's meet, one is the unconfirmed travel meet, and one is the States. So, really maybe only 8 or 9.
We usually do pretty local invitationals. There is a rumor that our L4's may be joining our upper levels at the X-mas on the Chesapeak in MD (Dec) and it is on our schedule but not comfirmed yet. Also we go up to Northern NJ for a Greater NY Invitational (Dec) which was my DD's best meet of last year so yeah can't wait for that one! And this year our gym is hosting a meet over New Years weekend called the Classic For The Cure (Jan)

No meet schedule yet, but Blackie, we always do Greater NY!!! This yr, however, because my girls are also doing TWO competition cheering squads as well as gymnastics, we might have to miss GNY! We might be doing your Classic for the Cure, will definitely let you know if we do!

We normally do at least 2 invitationals, then Sectionals and States. We also compete USAIGC starting in March, 2 invitationals, States, Nationals.

Our practice schedule is the same for both DD's Level 5 & 8.
Mon-Thurs 5:30-8:30 (previous yrs were 5-8)
Sat 10-12 gymnastics, 12-2 pm cheering

I liked that Greater NY meet, I think it was my DD's best meet of the season! The only problem was that their vault stuff (mat, springboard) didn't seem to be what our girls are used too and we didn't score very high there. Our best event is usually the vault.

Since our gym is moving to a smaller facility (newer & nicer but smaller) we won't be able to run all the mmets we have been running in the past, so we are trying one big one! Hope to see you there & finally meet a CB-er IRL
Mon/Wed/Fri 4:00pm to 7:30pm - regular practice & conditioning
Sat 9:00am to 12:00pm - TOPs program
1 hour of ballet per week

DD is currently Level 5 training Level 6.

She will compete at 5 meets and hopefully Zones and States.

I liked that Greater NY meet, I think it was my DD's best meet of the season! The only problem was that their vault stuff (mat, springboard) didn't seem to be what our girls are used too and we didn't score very high there. Our best event is usually the vault.

Since our gym is moving to a smaller facility (newer & nicer but smaller) we won't be able to run all the mmets we have been running in the past, so we are trying one big one! Hope to see you there & finally meet a CB-er IRL

Blackie, my girls have always done well at GNY. Last yr, my Little Monkey could not compete because she was making her First Reconcilation that night. Well, last minute due to weather, they decided to postpone the Sacrament and I asked about getting her into the meet. The coaches claimed they could not. Well, having been meet coordinator for 2 yrs, I know it's possible...just how far coaches willing to go for a child.... If she would have competed, she most likely would have won a trophy.
Awww that's a shame! The weather was nasty and some people were not happy about the long haul from here to there, but snow/ice doesn't bother me too much and I had no problems! My only complaint is that there was no place to eat after we were done and had to stop at McD's on the GSP. We to wait forever for food because everyone else going home must have had the same idea, LOL

DD got her first medal for bars! A nice come-back after her whopper 5. something at her first meet. Everyone else on the team was falling off of them that day for some strange reason, but DD managed to stay up. I loved that it was such a big meet and so many cool venders to visit and buy stuff from. I bought DD a little gymnastics bracelet for Christmas there!

DD is supposed to make Holy Communion this year & I'm not sure how to squeeze it all in. Only good thing is that I hear we will be only training L5 after L4 states and not being thrown into another season doing L5 right away. So she can take things slower than the group from last year & I hope her hours don't increase until Summer maybe.
DD is supposed to make Holy Communion this year & I'm not sure how to squeeze it all in. Only good thing is that I hear we will be only training L5 after L4 states and not being thrown into another season doing L5 right away. So she can take things slower than the group from last year & I hope her hours don't increase until Summer maybe.

Both of my girls made their Communion while they were competing level 5 and we managed, lol. Big DD only had to miss a meet that was actually on the day (and it was USAIGC meet, not Level 5). Ours is always the first Sunday in May so by then all Sectionals are over and it is only 2 wks before States so no real conflicts there. It's tough when churches do not commit to a certain date.
Fall schedule T-W 4:30 to 8pm
F- 4- 8pm
S- 8 -12am

Pointe- M 8-9pm

Thursdays and Sundays- family days!!!

No meet scchedule yet, but levels ave not been determined yet. Our first meet is our home meet, St. Nick, second weekend in december.
We just got our practice schedual
and it is Tuesday and Friday nights now (used to be WEd nights and sat mornings) I am bumed about Friday nights but oh well I liked the sat mornings

but I am glad about no gym on wed since now they can go back to church on wed nights
DD is a level 7 and they practice Mon 5:30 - 8:30, Tues, Thurs 4-7:30 & Fri 4- 7pm. We are doing 6 meets in our own state of MN and also the Salto in WI. If DD makes it to State we will do 8 meets however, MN score for State is again AA 35:eek: and judging is tough. These thing really frustrate me as DD's the same routine scored a full point higher in WI. I am sure DD was not that much improved in 1 week. MN judging is very tough and it seems dance is more important than tumbling ugh!! DD is not a great dancer. Oh well at least she loves the sport. I guess this should be a seperate post. Sorry.
DD is a level 7 and they practice Mon 5:30 - 8:30, Tues, Thurs 4-7:30 & Fri 4- 7pm. We are doing 6 meets in our own state of MN and also the Salto in WI. If DD makes it to State we will do 8 meets however, MN score for State is again AA 35:eek: and judging is tough. These thing really frustrate me as DD's the same routine scored a full point higher in WI. I am sure DD was not that much improved in 1 week. MN judging is very tough and it seems dance is more important than tumbling ugh!! DD is not a great dancer. Oh well at least she loves the sport. I guess this should be a seperate post. Sorry.
I hear you!! While we were in Northern Calif. (a separate USAG 'State" from Southern Cal, BTW), the minimum qualifying score for L5 States was 35. PLUS, you could only qualify at one meet: 'Zone Championships', which was held 1-2 weeks before States.

Now that we live in FL, come to find out, the qual. score for DD's L6 States will be, I think, 32 or something. AND, they can qualify at any USAG/FL sanctioned meet, which means DD will have several tries, which is great.

The scoring in NorCal was REALLY tight, and unless you were at a fairly competitive gym, making it to States was going to be tough. And if you did, forget about placing, once again, unless you were at a very competitive gym.

I think we are going to like the 'less pressure/more opportunities for everyone' atmosphere here in FL!
Here in Quebec only the top 24 from each level go to provincials. In my daughters level last year PR Tyro, there were 350 girls aged 10-12. The chances of qualifying are so small we never even think about it. It is also the sum of your two best meets out of three.

At least with a score it is clear and upfront, not so here.

In my youngest DD's league the top 3 from each region on each apparatus qualify for the "school" provincials. This is over three competitions, the totals from each are added and then they see who did the best.

We are jealous, officially.:melodramatic::ashamed:
Wow! Those are tough qualifying scores/ situations! In GA, the USAG qualifying score is 32 AA twice for compulsories and once for optionals. For AAU, it's 29 AA once.
DD's practice schedule for the fall:

M, T, Wed, Fri 5:15 - 8:30
Sat 8-1

They have already changed the schedule a couple of times, and word is they may change it again... our state that we live (IN) in is a 32 to qualify for state for L5 - 10

The state we are competing in (IL) is

L5 - 33
L6 - 34
L7 - 34.5
L8 - 33
L9 - 32
L10 - 32

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