Agree wholeheartedly.
But as a parent who's refused to be silent on the culture for 10 years, and received blowback from coaches (and even sometimes other parents) for simply advocating on behalf of my kid - I can't say I'm holding my breath for sweeping changes. Over the years I've heard stories of at least 4 other gyms, in my state alone, where gymnasts are treated poorly. All hearsay, so I can't say I've been a witness to it directly (although if you watch the non-verbal presentation of various coaches on a competition floor, you could probably take a wild guess), but I have had parents and/or gymnasts express disgust at the way their gymnasts had been treated. All ultimately left those gyms, thankfully. Perhaps (perhaps!) it stopped short of physical abuse, but of course it's a fine line, and plus I believe the emotional abuse leaves deeper scars that are harder to see.
We all know that the surface has only been barely scratched. My hope is that us parents are ALSO empowered at this time to not be afraid to speak up and bring our concerns to the table. Demand that our coaching staffs hear us, and stop acting as though we are insane-crazy-gym-parents for simply giving a **** about the welfare of our kids. Demand that coaches do their part to foster their end of a trust-agreement that they so casually expect from us. Teach them that constructive criticism is, at minimum, not as horrendous as they've decided it is, and better yet, actually crucial to the development of healthy and emotionally secure athletes. It is on all of US to refuse to be voiceless going forward.