Oh I understand, and I agree. I just also know the level of
subtle brainwashing that goes on in some of these gyms and I know that just "leaving" is far more difficult than it sounds -- not to say it's not also necessary. If I had seen this before my daughter's gymnastics career I would have said "Pull her out. Clear answer." But after having experienced it, I understand the difficulty of the decision from the parent's point of view. (Again, not saying it's not the clear right answer.)
This aspect of gym environment is one of those things that I am afraid is going to get swept under the rug in the spotlight of Nasser's abuse. There is one Nasser, just like there is one AA gold medalist. He's horrific, but his crimes are obvious and overwhelming and impossible to deny --so they are easy to get behind changing. "We can't let THAT happen again." But for every Nasser there are many others who are damaging and destroying our children in far less egregious ways -- one of those ways is by creating a system that indoctrinates kids and parents to the belief that "if you're not HERE, you're nothing." HERE is where kids get the NCAA scholarships. HERE is where kids go to the ranch. HERE is where kids go to the Olympics. Only HERE knows how to get you to those places, and it's a closely guarded secret.
I frequently watched kids travel from other states to stand in our gym lobby and take a picture, parents post pictures of their kid in front of the building to show they'd been there. That kind of worship makes it impossible for the parents and kids inside to even consider the possibility of leaving -- where would they go? You either quit, or you stick it out. And you come to believe that what happens here must be the norm, because why would people worship your gym if it was bad for them? Most importantly? The gym knows it, and counts on it, and cultivates that "Only HERE knows how to get you there" mentality -- in every action and decision of the coaches inside. They have no REASON to consider changes to their behavior. THAT is an unhealthy world that needs to be fixed by
USAG moving forward, or we'll be right back here again in 10 years.