Future Elite Mom,
When I first found this site it was on request of a friend that I check it out. I did mostly because I had questions to ask concerning my child. It seemed she was progressing quickly, and she also has psoriasis that I was concerned about. I wanted to see if other parents had similar concerns about their gymnasts on both counts.
When I first read your post your name didn't strike me as anything until I came across your introductory post. Then, I have to be honest, I did feel like some other posters perhaps feel. "Future Elite" mom, is their really a "Future Anything" that we can count on. Just as nothing in the future can truly be counted on, becoming a future elite mom or gymnast can not be counted on. Anything can happen along the road. It's best to enjoy every day, in and out of the gym with your child. Your child is only 8. She has to be at least 12 before she tests as a junior elite if I am correct. That is four years away. Anything can happen.
Don't get me wrong, please, I am simply amazed at what my 6 year old DD can do. She is the youngest team member and will have her first year of real competition as a level five in Janurary when she turns 7. She already has some of her level 6 skills, but what I found myself doing just this evening when I was picking her up from practice was beyond looking at her gymnastics ability. I was talking with a couple of parents from the rec. program when another parent came in with her 6 year old DD. The little one was so adorable and she seemed to act her age, whiny at times perhaps like most 6 year olds. I started to look at how different my child is behaviorally. She has matured so much in a lot of ways, and that is something I attribute to her coaches and her gymnastics. She is such a confident little girl in every way as well.
I am finding so many positives about her involvement in this sport. I too was a gymnast, but never really got very far. I have said many times to friends and family that I just love this sport. There is something to be said about the beauty and percision a gymnast must display in every routine. I would still feel this way even if none of my children were involved in the sport. I introduced both my girls to gymnastics because of that love of mine, but what they do with their gymnastics is all their own. I will back them up no matter what they choose to do. My oldest has since quit gymnastics. Emotionally, she wasn't well suited for the sport. She was too hard on herself and wouldn't let anything go. The little one is the opposite. When she falls, she gets back up and tries again, always with a smile on her face. It is quite endearing.
Using the name "Future Elite Mom" may throw some people off because it sounds a bit presumptious. Your daughter may very well be very talented, but if she is between a level 6-8, she is very far away from reaching elite status. Anthing can happen along her way in this sport. Someone asked before. What happens if she doesn't reach elite. Will you be bummed about it? You don't need to answer the question.
I don't know you, and you don't know me. But I have seen my share of pushy parents who for me are a quick turn off. You see, I am a teacher, and everything I do for my students is about empowering them to be who they want to be, not what others may want them to be. Reality is this, children are children for a very short while. These are the years to empower them to believe in themselves and Do for themselves. Skills that will empower them through their adult lives. Now what ever route a child leads whether it is an academic route or an athletic route should be with the child at the reigns. We parents are there to catch them when they fall, wipe them off, and offer our support. I hope that these are your intentions with your DD. I believe as Hillary Clinton stated, "It takes a community to raise a child." We as people should offer each other words of wisdom, inspiration, as well as support. All this in the hopes that our children are aided along the way.
My hopes is that if your DD truly wishes to reach elite, for herself, that she is successful in her endeavor. But if you have found yourself caught up in the dream, you can now stand back and look at things a little clearer. Gymnastics is more of an individual sport. Yes the gymnast belongs to a team, but in the long run it is the gymnast him/herself who has won or not won the medals.
With that said gymnastics is my daughters sport, not mine. I enjoy it, but I enjoy and love my daughter so much more for who she is. This child makes me laugh on a daily basis. I never look at her without having a smile on my face. She is just so geniune and wise. She is only 6 and I can say this about her. Enjoy that your DD is involved with something so much perhaps to have that dream of reaching the top. Enjoy your DD for who she is and not what she does in gymnastics.
I hope I haven't offended you in any way. That wasn't my intentions. Perhaps because I have seen my share of pushy parents in and out of the gym, I felt compelled to speak up.
Good Luck to your DD this season. I hope she finds much success in her gymnastics.
Let me just add, that your leaving the board may not solve anything. I felt a little turned off before because of the increased negativity at times. But I choose to stick around because I had many questions about my own DD's road in the sport. Don't feel like you have to go anywhere. Stick around and see what you can get out of it all.
Good luck to you!