Reading this post is helping me out so much into perspective. I'm so glad my daughter didn't choose figure skating. I was a competitive figure skater and I can tell you it's definitely more expensive.
Skates are $1000 a pair (roughly) and you're lucky to get two years out of them. Coaching is about $60/hour (but skaters usually don't spend nearly as much time with their coach as gymnasts do....let's say 2 hours a week. Then you have ice time which is the time you're on the ice training, either woth a coach or without....approx $200/month. I was also on a synchro team which is a couple hundred dollars per quarter, which doesn't include travel, costume, and warm ups/bag. Then you have costumes for single skating, which unlike comp Leo's, you rarely wear more than once...but they're the same price as most comp leos. Competition fees for both single and synchro get tacked on there too....$60 a $100 per comp per event.
I'm grateful that my parents were able to afford it, I absolutely loved it, and being in a sport like that made me who I am today. I'm happy to shell out the $ for DD's gym, she has a passion for it, and the talent, so I'm willing to make the sacrifices for her.
(Not gonna lie though, I'll never complain if costs go down...fingers crossed)