Proud Parent
- Feb 21, 2013
- 269
- 417
I'm not sure how to interpret recent events, and wondering if they might change. So I wonder what you all think.
My daughter is 7, newly on pre-team- she has been going to practice since the beginning of August. Last week my husband said something off-the-cuff in front of DD, like "4 hours per week is way too much for a 7 year old." Up until that moment DD had NEVER complained about going to gym. Unfortunately DH said that about 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave and DD said immediately "I don't want to go, I'm tired." I'm telling you, she was fine, she just was mad that her sister was staying home and she was going. I told her she had to go, because I signed her up and paid through the fall- if she wants to talk about quitting it has to be in a couple of months when sign-ups for the next season occur.
She grudgingly went to gymnastics. When I picked her up after her 2 hour class she said "Actually I like gymnastics. I don't know what I was talking about." And she seemed happy. I didn't watch her practice.
Fast forward to the next practice, and when it was time to leave she again dug in her heels. And she did it again the next time. Both times, I said she had to go, and she went grudgingly. I watched most of one of the practices and she seemed fine. After practice she said it was good, and she seemed happy.
She has the same coach as she had for the last 2 years, so I know it's not that- and she still likes her, and she's still great. It could be that she doesn't like 2 hour practices- last year they were 1 hour long and she was fine. It could be that the stuff they are doing is harder, and more is expected of them. Or she could just be playing with me. Or maybe when it's time to go she really would rather stay home, but once she's there she's really happy. Or she's just found a new way to assert her independence.
Anyway my plan is to consistently make her go to practice until the end of the session. Once we allow skipping I know it's going to get out of hand- I have been down that road before with swimming lessons. When it's time to sign up for the next session (the gym runs pre-team as a class in 3 month chunks, thank goodness it's not a year-long commitment) I will talk to her and re-assess her commitment level, and make sure she understands all the options. I am ok with her doing rec, I am ok with her quitting. I am ok with her continuing, but she is currently driving me crazy and this has to stop. Argh.
Has anyone ever gone through this, and how did it end? Just curious. I know my daughter might be different. I guess I'm wondering if this could be some kind of developmental thing, a need to assert independence, that might go away. Haha.
My daughter is 7, newly on pre-team- she has been going to practice since the beginning of August. Last week my husband said something off-the-cuff in front of DD, like "4 hours per week is way too much for a 7 year old." Up until that moment DD had NEVER complained about going to gym. Unfortunately DH said that about 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave and DD said immediately "I don't want to go, I'm tired." I'm telling you, she was fine, she just was mad that her sister was staying home and she was going. I told her she had to go, because I signed her up and paid through the fall- if she wants to talk about quitting it has to be in a couple of months when sign-ups for the next season occur.
She grudgingly went to gymnastics. When I picked her up after her 2 hour class she said "Actually I like gymnastics. I don't know what I was talking about." And she seemed happy. I didn't watch her practice.
Fast forward to the next practice, and when it was time to leave she again dug in her heels. And she did it again the next time. Both times, I said she had to go, and she went grudgingly. I watched most of one of the practices and she seemed fine. After practice she said it was good, and she seemed happy.
She has the same coach as she had for the last 2 years, so I know it's not that- and she still likes her, and she's still great. It could be that she doesn't like 2 hour practices- last year they were 1 hour long and she was fine. It could be that the stuff they are doing is harder, and more is expected of them. Or she could just be playing with me. Or maybe when it's time to go she really would rather stay home, but once she's there she's really happy. Or she's just found a new way to assert her independence.
Anyway my plan is to consistently make her go to practice until the end of the session. Once we allow skipping I know it's going to get out of hand- I have been down that road before with swimming lessons. When it's time to sign up for the next session (the gym runs pre-team as a class in 3 month chunks, thank goodness it's not a year-long commitment) I will talk to her and re-assess her commitment level, and make sure she understands all the options. I am ok with her doing rec, I am ok with her quitting. I am ok with her continuing, but she is currently driving me crazy and this has to stop. Argh.
Has anyone ever gone through this, and how did it end? Just curious. I know my daughter might be different. I guess I'm wondering if this could be some kind of developmental thing, a need to assert independence, that might go away. Haha.