Parents Elite girls and new gyms

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I have seen where a few girls move gyms for whatever reason. I see that plenty move to Elite gyms, with elite coaches. Just wondering are these girls recruited by the elite gyms or is it a move by the parents to try to advance the kid? I am sure it could be both but I was mainly wondering if girls are recruited to come to gyms that have tons of girls on the US national team.
It can be both, but most gyms with national team members won't have the time to coach any but the most promising kids, so there's not a lot of active recruiting in the context of taking actions to bring kids in.

You're more likely to see subtle recruiting taking place at the next tier down, in clubs that have solid L10's and elite hopefulls.....usually in the form of scholarships that reduce the financial burder on the gymnast's family.
You're more likely to see subtle recruiting taking place at the next tier down, in clubs that have solid L10's and elite hopefulls.....usually in the form of scholarships that reduce the financial burder on the gymnast's family.
This happens around here. There are a small number of gyms that are like magnets for 9's and 10's. I used to wonder why until a friend's daughter started winning meets at level 8, and was subsequently recruited by several of these gyms.

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