Parents Emily connected her kip/front hip tonight 4 times:) brag alert:)

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Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Wow... I was shocked when she did her kip/ front hip once tonight and then she went on and repeated it 3 more times on her next turns through the stations. Straight arms kips right to straight arm front hips to horizontal casts... bam bam bam....
She just keeps getting stronger:) And just think... She has all spring, summer and fall to perfect that level 5 bar routine and she is just working it away by starting to connect them.
Oh and all her level 4 routines looked great tonight too. If she does this good at State as she did in practice... She should do very well next Saturday... Oh but of course, Emily got the 9 am session which will be the 1st of 3 level 4 sessions on saturday. Sucks.... I hate being the first session for many reasons but especially since it is historically and mostly true that scores are always lower than they are later in the day...

Thanks for letting me brag:)
Congrats Emily on a great practice. It is so much fun watching them get the skills that they work so hard on. WAY TO GO!
Congratulations to Emily. Sounds like she is having fun learning all the level 5 skills. Maybe she should score out of level 5 and compete level 6 next season. Sounds like she would be up for the challenge. Of course that would be up to her coaches. Sometimes our gym scores girls up, but it is usually to score out of level 6 and move on to optional. Do you know if that would be a possibility for Emily? Although she will really be great at level 5 since she already has the skills!

My daughters are also level 4. They will compete level 5 next year and then go straight to level 7 (after they score out of 6 of course). That is the coaches plan right now anyway. They are already looking at floor music. It will be so nice to have individualized routines.

Good luck at State.
Yeah - if anything I think doing level 5 and scoring out of 6 is a better way to go. Level 6 is notorious for tough and inconsistent scoring - and level 7 is not that much harder than 6. Level 5 has a lot of really good basics though - the stronger they come out of 5, the better they will do whether going to 6 or 7.

Congrats to Emily on having her bars down so early - a lot of girls really struggle going from level 4 to 5 bars. If she keeps up the hard work she is going to kick some serious butt as a level 5 :)

I LOVE to read brag threads. The girls work so hard for these skills I think it is great to brag on them a bit !!!

there are a couple girls in our gym that are going to try to score high enough L6 at the last meet this year to do L7 next season.
Thank you guys:) Remember we are switching gym well the new gym doesn't really compete their level 6s... They have them score out and move to 7 like some of you guys have said:) I think Emily still have some work to do on some things... IE... Squat on... 90% of the time she sole circles under the bar so we have to work through that quite a bit:) Other than that I think another good year of a little tougher judging for level 5 will be good for her and I know her competition will have quite a few 2nd year 5s so being a 1st year 5 but I like to call girls who repeated 4 and then move to 5 like 5+ year girls since they usually perform better than girls who did 1 year at 4 and then moved to 5 but maybe not as well as the 2nd year level 5s, lol.
Thanks for letting brag again:)
This may belong in a new thread but it just popped into my head reading the last post. When girls are second year at a level, do they still compete against first years in that level? :confused: Seems like maybe the first years would not have a good shot at beating second years.
It really depends on so many things. Different clubs organise their competitions in different ways and based on many things. They can be divided solely by age, or by years and it can, and probably will, be different at every meet in the US.

My little DD, here in Quebec, competes against 2nd and 3rd year girls, she is 1st year. But it has always been that way here. Next year she will be a 2nd year at this level or go up a level and be a first year again.

We have now officially hijacked your thread Melmonette, sorry.:o

Back to the real issue, I am sure Emily will be a great level 5, it will give her all the confidence she needs to quickly move to level 7.
I know in our L4 meets it was according to age mostly (6-8, 9-11, 12 and up) and depending on how many girls in the meet, could be broken down even more like 6-7, 8's, 9's, ect..
For states it was broken down even more for 6's, 7jrs, 7 srs, 8jrs, 8 srs, ect....all by when your B-day was. My dd had it pretty easy as obviously all 6 yr old were all first timers, LOL but when you get into the 7,8,9's you will compete against 2nd year L4's. I'm sure it probably works that wy in L5 & L6 too. I also wish it was broken into first year or second year, but at least my dd knows that next year she will get her chance for more "podium" time if she keeps working hard. I think this year was good for her just to get used to going to meets and doing the routines & she learned how to be happy for other team friends who did well and to be able to handle her emotions of not winning. Some of our L4's that went to L5's that did so well are not used to not getting awards, medals and high scores. It seems like they are having a harder time w/those emotions of not being as good as L4.
Congrats to Emily! I think L5 will be a piece of cake for her! I love mommy brags, especially from everyone still doing meets. The only thing we are doing now is conditioning, not too much to brag about there.
Lol... on the hijack... I brought it up being that I started talking about meets and 1st years and 2nd years competing together in them.
In Kansas, they don't break the girls up by 1st years or 2nd years even though parents think they should for fairness. They do it by age group. Emily's age group is 8 this year in which 95% of the girls she is up against are all second year level 4s because it seems that most teams didn't move up any of the 7 year olds from the previous year. It is pretty unfair for the 1st year level 4s who are 8 this year too and our team has 5 of them and they are not placing as well in big meets do to this fact. So to answer the question... it is only broken up by age groups and not how many years a girl has been at that level. We have two girls on our team that are on their 3rd year level 4. One is running the 10 year old group in the meets. She should have been a 5 but wasn't catching the high bar so had to compete level 4 again. Hopefully this next year she will finally grab that high bar. She is so ready for level 5:)
I think my dd might have a rough L4 as she will be an 8 yr old first year L4 and it seems like there are a lot of those.

Oh, well.
Congratulations to Emily! That is fantastic! She will be having a great Level 5 year. I have mixed feelings about my dd moving to Level 5 as she is very young and is still working on getting her kip. She does have a straight arm front hip, but I know that connecting it to the kip is difficult.

Our State works the same way vis a vis second year Level 4s. Everything is broken down by age so a lot of first year Level 4s have to compete against girls who are repeating. This is very tough in the 8 yo division in particular.

Anyway, congrats to Emily!

how did i miss this?? wow, great job emily. look out level 5, here comes emily!

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