This was a very interesting thread as it is what dd is going through now. DD is 10 and recently moved from L5 to L6 mid season.
In late Nov. DD was told to order
grips and HC took her measurements and told me what to order. When the
grips came in DD was so excited to begin using them but her team mates were vicious. They said nasty, cruel things like "why would you want grips, you are going to break your arm" and "glad you got grips - your bar scores will stink at the next meet. The jealousy was so overwhelming that I called the HC to ask for some help. HC replied that she knew DD was ready so why not move her to L6 now.
DD is thrilled to be training with the L6's now, but seeing as she was preregistered for the meets, she is still competing L5. And the tension is awful. She cried after the last meet as her former team mates were really unkind. After scoring a 9.425 on beam, one team mate said "no way should you have gotten that score, your routine was barely a 9". DD is bewildered by the nastiness and so am I. I was hoping DD was exagerating a bit, but I received a call from a L5 parent to let me know she had heard her DD and another team mate talking about how mean everyone is being to DD and she apologized to me that it turned so ugly.
This whole turn of events has made DD question why she does gymnastics. She adores her new team mates and has made her L6 routines but the nastiness and how quickly her team mates turned on her has taken away so much of the joy she felt in her accomplishments.
It is hard for her week after week to compete with the girls as the nastiness starts anew each weekend. Instead of celebrating a personal best last weekend, she cried that she had no one to celebrate with. It breaks my heart because i really don't know how to help her. I am so proud of how she handles herself though and will continue to tell her to clap loudly and to smile for her team mates.
Mom to Trixiebell