First meet back!

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Proud Parent
OK so, my last meet was 2 years ago, and what happened after that was first I developed shin trouble that I had to stop vaulting and floor, then I started having a lot of health problems which led to being diagnosed w/ lupus, an autoimmune condition and then having to have colon surgery, so needless to say I was fortunate to be able to come back to gymnastics at all, let alone compete. So, just being out there was a huge reward and feeling of accomplishment for me.

I drove to NY which was just over a 3 hr. drive, it was a USAIGC local qualifier in the silver division, which is similar to USAG level 7. I started getting nervous the day before, which was so weird, because this was totally for fun and no pressure, but its so weird you still get nervous. Then that morning I was super nervous and all jittery w/ energy even though I barely slept the night before. Adrenaline...

I did really well, better than I expected. I basically did similar to what I would do in practice, which for me does not always happen at meets. I am not the type that does better than normal at a meet because I usually get too nervous and tight.

Started on vault, I did a handspring which is out of 10, and got 8.9. Just my usual vault. Normally I have a hard time doing two vaults back to back just as well, but my second vault was better than the first (they take best of the 2). Bars, I warmed up really well, and in the meet my low bar was better than usual but got a little stalled out on the high bar, but still connected it, took a small step on dismount, got 9.15 which was close to my highest score ever. Very happy w/ bars. Beam, I warmed up well but was a little shaky in the meet, stuck my backwalkover which I do fall on at times when I rush it, wobbled a lot on roundoff but stayed on, then fell on full turn which is the thing I fall on the most in practice too. One step on dismount, got 8.0. I know what went wrong and know I can do a better routine, but for a meet, it could have gone a lot worse too! Did a new dismount for me too, one that I used to have fear problems w/, so that was nice. Floor, I warmed up fine other than 1 1/2 turn, my turns were just all over the place today. The floor was super soft which was nice for tumbling, but threw my turn off even more than it already was (our gym floor is very firm). Pulled it out in the meet w/ just a little bobble, hit all my passes, I know I still need to work on my switch leap. Got 9.2.

So I qualified easily to the states (turned out I only needed to get a 4.5 on the floor, my last event, to qualify LOL. I was like, do two passes and just stop, LOL). I was the only competitor in the 18+ age division but I was told at states there will be others, so they just gave me an all around medal. However, matching my scores up w/ the 14-17 year old age group, I would have placed about 3rd on bars, and around 7th on vault and beam and the all around. So that made me feel good, that I am right in there.

I managed the nerves pretty well, adjusted to the unfamiliar equipment and short warmup time, and showed my stuff so it was really great. Competing is definitely a rush! States is in NJ in a month.
Tried to edit, it didn't work. Got a chuckle out of what you said about floor. Is it even possible to score a 4.5?
Yeah..I have seen a girl go, land low and hurt her ankle on her first pass, and just walk off the floor and get like a 2.0. But realistically, if you finish it not really. Lowest score I ever got was 5.5 on beam w/ 4 falls in level 7!
I will go for the cost of an open gym. Now if you wanted to go the cost of a private, I would laugh at you:D Make it interesting. We will see where you're at in May. . .......
nice job Gina! i'm so glad you had a good experience your first time coming back!
Fantastic job, Gina! Great scores for being nervous. I'd frame that All-Around medal if I were you! It's quite an accomplishment after all you've been through.

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