Parents First meet this season!

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rlm's mom

Proud Parent
Aug 21, 2021
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Hey all let's chat! Assuming most of your gymnasts have competed by now, how did your first (and second) meets go?
Ill start! DD1 had an amazing meet, some beam issues but overall very good. She was extremely proud when she worked out if she had a beam similar to last year she would have been close to the nlc qualifier score!! DD2 also had a good meet, fall on bars and beam, huge bounce back on vault but otherwise good. She's waiting to add some upgrades this week. DD3 fractured her ankle in her last pass of her floor routing so is out for the time being (recovery up to 8 wks). Not the season she was hoping for but in good spirits and hoping to be back for states. She's back on bars already, dismounting into the pit.
Anyways let's hear how yours are doing?
DD is two meets into the season. This last meet, she improved her overall AA score by well over a point. She scored the highest she ever has on vault since level 3 and had one of her best floor routines ever. Beam has still been a little shaky both meets, but she has stayed on and this meet was an improvement over the last. She has one pesky skill on bars that she is still figuring out but overall it’s a solid start to level 7.
Both kids have had a really good start so far. After not competing last year due to Covid, DS had a great first couple of meets- 1st aa, then 2nd aa with very solid performances on all events. DD was injured in early Nov and I was worried she was going to miss her first couple of meets, but she was back to doing routines the week before her first meet and had a very solid performance- a fall on beam, but otherwise looked great. Second meet I was stunned to see her come in 2nd place aa, and the look on her face when they called her name was wonderful. Hoping the season continues to go well for all!
Nothing to report here. lol. Mine missed her first meet due to covid exposure, but even if we had gone, she wouldn't have competed anyway because she didn't make any of her numbers during practice. She's still struggling coming back from injury and just being ready. On bars and beam, she has all of her skills to have a 10.0 start value and can do them all individually, but struggles to put them together in a routine (endurance is lacking). Vault is ok, but not sure her coach will let her compete it if she doesn't get it more open (still too pikey). And floor she probably won't compete all season thanks to her ankle. She does have a meet this weekend that we are going to, but it's entirely possible she doesn't compete at it. This is a hard season. :(
Hey all let's chat! Assuming most of your gymnasts have competed by now, how did your first (and second) meets go?
Ill start! DD1 had an amazing meet, some beam issues but overall very good. She was extremely proud when she worked out if she had a beam similar to last year she would have been close to the nlc qualifier score!! DD2 also had a good meet, fall on bars and beam, huge bounce back on vault but otherwise good. She's waiting to add some upgrades this week. DD3 fractured her ankle in her last pass of her floor routing so is out for the time being (recovery up to 8 wks). Not the season she was hoping for but in good spirits and hoping to be back for states. She's back on bars already, dismounting into the pit.
Anyways let's hear how yours are doing?
Congratulations to dd1 and dd2! I'm sorry to hear about dd3 though. That's terrible for her. Glad to hear she is in good spirits about it though.
Great to hear updates from folks! :)

My DD is Xcel Silver, 2 meets in. She's done great so far, been on the podium and a top 3-4 finisher in all events for her age group. More importantly, she is committed to getting her ROBHS, without a spot, on floor - she's been working through a mental block on it but wants to compete it (currently competes an alternate tumbling pass in her floor routine).
I love reading these. My dd is progressing well. She's used to placing top 2 in most meets L2-L4 but knows L5 will be a different story. I'm proud of her growth already. First meet, she didn't compete a few skills so received some 7s for the first time. At the next meet, she competed everything and scored in the 36s AA. Third meet was a little rough but still high 35 with a fall on bars. She managed a high 8 even with the fall- it was a beautiful routine otherwise! She's got a great attitude about it all which is the best win in my opinion.
It is fun reading these!

My DD (level 8) is off to a good start. As expected vault has been the most interesting.

The first meet she wasn’t a fan of the vault or springboard. Never landed a vault in warm ups — generally was a little short and would have to put her hands down. Put her hands down on the first one in competition, but finally landed the 2nd one.

Her 2nd meet she liked the equipment better and warm ups went well. In competition she got a little more power than she expecting and sat the first vault. But again landed the 2nd.

I don’t love watching level 8 vault in general, just makes me nervous.
We have had our 3rd meet this weekend!

First meet she scratched beam in the middle of her routine because she wouldn’t do her back handspring without the coach near her. Got a 5.

Second meet she did it! And fell - then fell again on the full turn, but did a full routine. 7.9.

Third meet - stayed on for both back handspring and full turn! Fell on something she’s done a million times lol - but now she’s in the kid-8s and her AA has gone up 4.5 points!

1st place bars, which is what she expected and was honestly afraid of not getting, and 3rd place floor even with a section of dance that’s giving her trouble every meet. I’m so amazed but how much better her dance has gotten (she’s not a natural).

She’s upgraded her floor passes so she’s happy and we’re so happy about beam! Vault however… ugh it looks so good at practice, it’s not good at the meets and she’s starting to stress out before meets that it’s going to go badly.
Had her first meet as an XD in December. Wasn't sure what to expect as she was moving from L9 to Xcel. She told me ahead of time that "I won't be impressed" as her routines were more similar to her first year L8. I hated hearing her say that and had to convince her that I just enjoy watching her and it doesn't matter to me what skills she's doing. She had a great meet with strong scores and no falls. I loved seeing that she had a new fun beam dismount (gainer) which was great because the roundoff dismount had been giving her some mental blocks and Xcel coaches will give her the freedom to work within what she's comfortable. I was also proud that she was still flipping her vault.

The best part was watching her just have fun and none of the stress that she used to carry. Now gymnastics is just a fun hobby for her while most of her time and effort are focused on her HS basketball and field hockey teams.

In two weeks she'll have another meet. It will be the first meet with spectators allowed since Feb 2020. So I'm really looking forward to watching!
I don’t love watching level 8 vault in general, just makes me nervous.
I have found as my daughter moved up in levels, the events I can watch comfortably went down, until now I’m at none. Lol. It used to be only beam that made me nervous. Then bars around level 7. Level 8 added vault. And level 9 killed floor for me. They all seem dangerous and scary to watch now!
My daughter (turning 8 tomorrow and competing level 4) had her first ever competition on Sunday. I think she did amazing!! She didn't place great but she didn't fall, panic, cry or make any huge errors and, most importantly, she had a blast!! So I count that as a very succesful first meet.
She didn't place great but she didn't fall, panic, cry or make any huge errors and, most importantly, she had a blast!! So I count that as a very succesful first meet.
Absolutely! Meets are actually supposed to be fun, LOL. I love that DD's gym has that philosophy and the coaches really help keep the girls "loose", makes a huge difference.

Now, we as parents are a mess, but hey....
I have found as my daughter moved up in levels, the events I can watch comfortably went down, until now I’m at none. Lol. It used to be only beam that made me nervous. Then bars around level 7. Level 8 added vault. And level 9 killed floor for me. They all seem dangerous and scary to watch now!
I’m finding this to be very true. I’ve never liked watching beam, but when she started going backwards at level 5, my anxiety and nerves greatly increased. Now I just hold my breath the whole routine. Level 6 started my dread with bars with the cast to handstand. It’s not required for it to hit handstand at that level, but she always wanted to hit it, and she sometimes she overpowered her cast and go over handstand. It’s nerve wrecking watching her come off that top bar. And now level 7 has brought giants. I’m dreading level 8 and that vault.
I have found as my daughter moved up in levels, the events I can watch comfortably went down, until now I’m at none. Lol. It used to be only beam that made me nervous. Then bars around level 7. Level 8 added vault. And level 9 killed floor for me. They all seem dangerous and scary to watch now!
Ha! Wish I could watch their routines only after i know their scores!
DD had her first 2 meets in the fall (1 in October and 1 in November). She got PRs on bars at the first meet and had an amazing beam routine until a fall on her dismount (put her hands down), but the beam routine itself was the best she had ever done. She hit over 180 on her switch leap and nailed her 1 1/2 turn. The judge even told her it was beautiful after the meet. She also got vault and floor PRs at her second meet.

She was having hip pain and has found out it because she has spondylothesis and spondylitis of her L4 and L5 with significant impingement of her nerves (thus the hip pain). She has another consult with a surgeon coming up and is likely going to have surgery. She is out indefinitely. She was on her way to her best season yet, but she is hoping for a comeback next year. I am not sure I am ready for that.
my L9 competition season- its going okay.

My first meet was alright for being my first level 9 meet, but not up to my standards. I was trying to fully hit handstand in my bail and slipped and fell forward. My poor parents nearly had a heart attack. Then my clear hip hs to dismount was off and I almost fell on the dismount. The rest of the meet was not great either- I fell on my beam series and couldn't do my dismount because I ended up being to close to the edge of the beam on my roundoff and wrenched my ankle badly. Had a not fabulous floor went out of bounds, big hops on landings- but did an okay, although purposely overrotated vault to save my ankle.

Then I was sick for the second meet of the season, skipped it, and then the third most recent meet had much improvement but still not where I wanted it to be. I didn't fall on beam, nailed my series, but wobbled and grabbed the back of my legs on my full turn of all things, and because of my ankle only did a roundoff tuck dismount. I did stay in bounds on my floor but it was watered down. I also completed an alright bar routine, although my bail did not hit handstand. Vault was a bit better, only a tiny step on landing.

I now have a long break in between meets and will work on completely healing my ankle, which is getting better, and, of course, consistency.
DD had her first 2 meets in the fall (1 in October and 1 in November). She got PRs on bars at the first meet and had an amazing beam routine until a fall on her dismount (put her hands down), but the beam routine itself was the best she had ever done. She hit over 180 on her switch leap and nailed her 1 1/2 turn. The judge even told her it was beautiful after the meet. She also got vault and floor PRs at her second meet.

She was having hip pain and has found out it because she has spondylothesis and spondylitis of her L4 and L5 with significant impingement of her nerves (thus the hip pain). She has another consult with a surgeon coming up and is likely going to have surgery. She is out indefinitely. She was on her way to her best season yet, but she is hoping for a comeback next year. I am not sure I am ready for that.
Glad she had such a great start to the season. She's had a tough journey.

The injury, though....sending positive thoughts your way. I'm a believer in "everything happens for a reason" - even those things that are hard or painful. I don't know how your DD's gymnastics story will end, but it sounds like you both already have a lot to be proud of.
This is fun - like old times!!

DS (L10)has had two meets -both significantly higher AA than last year - both good AA placements. He's 12/12 - which never happens at L10 mens - but he's also all set for college next year and not competing anything crazy where he could get hurt. Best part - he's happy and confident. And he threw a vault with a 9.8 execution score so 13.8/14.0. No video though - I forgot to slide the camera off of photo.

Sounds like its a good start to most seasons!!

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