Parents Flipfest parent volunteers?

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Proud Parent
Oct 10, 2008
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Do you get money off camp tuition if you do a volunteer position at the camp? Or lifeguard?
I am not sure. My dd goes to this camp but I have never been a camp volunteer. Did you check out their website to see if they offer any information?
My guess would be no, but I don't know for sure. We went to a meet this weekend, and Flipfest had a booth. I picked up some info, and asked whether they have parents at camp positions like Woodward. They only hire helpers for the dining hall or to chauffer kids back and forth from the airport or run errands in town. I was told that they are unpaid positions but you get room and board for free during your kid's session. I didn't think to ask if your kid gets a discount, and the lady didn't offer that up either, so that's why I'm guessing not. However, I could be wrong.
I am not sure. My dd goes to this camp but I have never been a camp volunteer. Did you check out their website to see if they offer any information?

Yup and didn't see anything about a discount.
No, you don't. I sent them an email a couple of months ago because I was interested in one of the medical positions and I was told they do not do any discounts and the positions are totally volunteer. Camp Woodward does give some discounts, depending on the job.
I had a long conversation with Flipfest and touched on the Volunteer positions subject....

The only discounts offered as far as tuition are things such as early registration or multi-week attendance...

As far as the volunteer positions, the only compensation is free room and board.

But it still sounds like a nice would be able to share in your childs camp experience and at the same time support the camp by helping them keep costs down.

I would imagine if they had to pay full time staff to do the jobs the parents volunteer to do, then you would be paying almost $1000 a week like you do at camps like IGC....
I was a cabin chaperone a few summers ago at Flip Fest and it was a great experience to be there with not only my daughter, but also the rest of the team and our coach. But there was no break on the camp fee. However, I did get to stay free and eat free.

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